Best Stock Photo Sites for WordPress

Find and compare the best Stock Photo sites for WordPress in 2025

Use the comparison tool below to compare the top Stock Photo sites for WordPress on the market. You can filter results by user reviews, pricing, features, platform, region, support options, integrations, and more.

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    Unsplash Reviews
    Over 2,000,000 high-resolution free images provided by the most generous community photographers in the world. Unsplash is the internet's largest source of freely-useable images. Every photo is hand-selected and accepted only the best. This means that no matter what your needs are, you will find exactly what you need on Unsplash. Unsplash is home for a growing community photographers, from hobbyists to professionals, emerging brands, and everyone in between. Our API makes the Unsplash library more accessible than ever thanks to our partners such as Squarespace, BuzzFeed, and Trello. Unsplash was born out of the frustration we felt in finding great imagery. We weren't the only ones who felt this way. Today, millions of Unsplash users around the globe have downloaded over 2 million images to create artwork, presentations, and mockups. Unsplash is powered by an incredible community that has donated hundreds of thousands of their photos to spark creativity around the globe.
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    Pexels Reviews
    Pexels empowers creators by providing royalty-free stock photos. This allows millions of creators around the world to create beautiful products and designs. Pexels offers high-quality stock photos that are completely free under the Pexels licence. All photos are well tagged and searchable. You can also find them through our discover pages. We have hundreds of thousands of free stock photos. Every day, new high-resolution photos are added. All photos are hand-picked using photos uploaded by users or sourced from free photo websites. All published photos are of high quality and licensed under the Pexels licence. Our photo database only contains free images taken by our community of photographers. We strive to provide as many high-quality stock photos as possible for all creatives who use our site. Amazing photos and videos sourced from a global network talented creators. .
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    JumpStory Reviews



    $39 per month
    Unlimited access to millions of high quality stock images, videos and vectors for only 39 USD/month. JumpStory has hundreds of categories and collections that are full of authentic images to help you inspire and simplify your search. Access to millions of photos, unlimited downloads, fast search, background-removal, AI TextMatch, image editor, and image editor for only 39 USD/month JumpStory stock images are authentic and real, outperforming conventional stock photos by as much as 80%. JumpStory has a policy of transparent pricing without any hidden or additional costs. JumpStory™ API can be added to any CMS, page builder, marketing platform, or design software. This will give your users access to millions of high-performing, authentic photos, videos and icons.
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    GraphicRiver Reviews



    $16.50 per month
    Explore 890,300 fonts and logos starting at $2. Explore our vast collection of graphic assets that have been hand-reviewed by our community of designers. Thousands of stationery and design templates. Slide decks that can be customized to impress. Photoshop, Lightroom & Illustrator plugins. Unique templates for every budget and project. Each week, our staff hand-picks the best graphics from our collection. High-quality visual assets for your next projects. Envato reviews all new graphic assets from the community to ensure they meet high-quality design standards and are functionally compliant. You'll find everything you need, from vector images to presentation templates. Our templates and themes are created by world-class authors (or Authors as we refer to them). Discover the best of the week. Envato Elements offers millions of graphic templates, photos and audio. Starting at $16.50 per month
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    PictureDesk Reviews
    PictureDesk lets you browse and search through over 100 million licensed images. Live feeds from more than 100 photo agencies allow you to see the latest content from events around the globe. Brands can review brand exposure and licensing opportunities through photo/video feeds or influencer content. Brands can find images of products gifted to celebrities, influencers, or brand ambassadors. Be on the lookout to share content on social media, such as photos of your red carpet designs. PictureDesk will connect to the image supplier to license the image or buy the rights. This will allow you to maximize your PR campaigns. StarTrackers can be set up on celebrity spokespersons and brand ambassadors so that you can monitor and track their online presence. This will ensure that your brand is well represented and you are always up-to-date on the latest content.
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