Best Stock Footage Apps for iPhone of 2025

Find and compare the best Stock Footage apps for iPhone in 2025

Use the comparison tool below to compare the top Stock Footage apps for iPhone on the market. You can filter results by user reviews, pricing, features, platform, region, support options, integrations, and more.

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    Pexels Reviews
    Pexels empowers creators by providing royalty-free stock photos. This allows millions of creators around the world to create beautiful products and designs. Pexels offers high-quality stock photos that are completely free under the Pexels licence. All photos are well tagged and searchable. You can also find them through our discover pages. We have hundreds of thousands of free stock photos. Every day, new high-resolution photos are added. All photos are hand-picked using photos uploaded by users or sourced from free photo websites. All published photos are of high quality and licensed under the Pexels licence. Our photo database only contains free images taken by our community of photographers. We strive to provide as many high-quality stock photos as possible for all creatives who use our site. Amazing photos and videos sourced from a global network talented creators. .
  • 2
    iStock Reviews


    Getty Images

    $2.73 per image
    iStock is an online source for original royalty-free stock content. It includes photos, illustrations and vectors as well as audio tracks. We work together at iStock to put craft first, and provide the best stock content to help you do your best work. We are obsessed with beautifully crafted content. We have millions of handpicked stock photos and illustrations, vectors and videos, as well as audio tracks. Our library has grown with our community. It has increased in size and variety, as well as in breadth, originality, so there is truly something for everyone. iStock allows creatives to create beautiful communications without having to spend a lot. Over half of our content is created by artists who are exclusive to iStock. We have over 170 creatives who review every piece of content before it enters the iStock library. They ensure that it meets legal and creative standards. Our legal guarantee keeps you protected.
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    Depositphotos Reviews



    $0.22 per image
    Depositphotos is a commercial platform which connects licensed stock photos, vectors, and videos creators with buyers. We were able to create a place that combines creativity and business through the combined efforts of talented professionals from around the world. Depositphotos has 200 million files: royalty-free images and videos, vectors as well as illustrations and music. Explore our extensive thematic stock photography collection and our stock video and music libraries to find exactly what your project needs. Leading international companies trust us with their audio and visual content. Easy-to-use search tools make it easy to find the image that you need. You can also download high-res images without watermarks for free. Only pay after you have purchased the license. You can create and manage sub-accounts for your team.
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    123RF Reviews



    $2.24 per image
    Since 2005, 123RF has been 100% self-funded and has grown to be the largest digital stock agency in the world. We have a global reach with a well-resourced global network. 123RF has helped many people and businesses tell their stories through creative imagery, sounds, and motion. As a global player, we are poised to make a significant impact on the creative industry as we continue to innovate, offer new products, and provide creative solutions. No creative brief is too difficult when we work together. To provide you with quality content, we add up to 90,000. Our goal is to keep our clients coming back to us for their next subscription. We don't compromise on quality. Our content is contributed by creative professionals, photographers and vector artists from all over the world, with skills that range from amateur to professional.
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