The Puma Scan Professional End User Edition enables developers to utilize Puma Scan through a Visual Studio extension, featuring improved capabilities, reduced false positives, and various support options. This edition’s license is valid for one year, with the possibility of annual renewal. In contrast, the Server Edition facilitates command line scanning and can be integrated into your build server, all without needing Visual Studio's overhead. A single Server license can be employed across five build agents within the same organization, and additional Build Agent Bundles are available in sets of five for larger needs. Furthermore, the Azure DevOps Extension introduces a Puma Scan build task into your Azure DevOps pipelines, enhancing your development workflow. With Azure DevOps Standard licenses, you can scan up to 20 build pipelines, while Azure DevOps Unlimited licenses permit unrestricted scanning across a single organization, ensuring comprehensive coverage for your projects. This flexibility allows organizations to choose the best licensing option based on their specific scanning requirements.