Human Resources Management in Industry 4.0 - Mercateam is the solution.
In the Industry 4.0 era companies invest in machines that are twice efficient. But what about the management of human resources? Mercateam is the answer! Mercateam is a powerful tool with 5 main functions:
- Competence/authorization management
- Training
- Planning
Interviews with individuals
Workforce planning
By digitizing all information about the human being, the goal is to place him at the center of the industry. By investing in robots, you can increase performance. Adding good human management will double that performance and increase efficiency. Mercateam has been praised by many customers for solving the problems that manufacturers face every day. It's a one-stop-shop, with no need to use Excel files. The skills matrixes and proof of training are up-to-date, and the planning is easy. Mercateam offers immediate benefits and a long-term solution.