To sustainably increase employee engagement, learning and performance, go beyond badges, points, and leaderboards. Instead, use all the mechanisms that make games addictive and exciting to drive employee engagement, learning and performance. Reduce churn. Every employee should have the opportunity to be a hero every day and has a clear path to success. Recognize employees immediately for their business-oriented behaviors, processes, and activities. Drive ongoing excellence. Encourage and sustain enthusiasm about learning, working towards goals, and being a team-player. Employees are not robots. Employees need to feel valued and purposeful in order to stay motivated. Centrical can make anyone, not just the top performers, a hero by providing personalized challenges, weekly wins, and progressing game narratives which chart a clear path to success and development. Recognizing behaviors and rewarding them with recognition makes them habits. Centrical instantly rewards employees who do the right thing by using data from enterprise applications and compensation management.