A surge of vulnerabilities can be overwhelming, but addressing every single one isn't feasible. Utilize comprehensive threat intelligence and innovative prioritization techniques to reduce expenses, streamline processes, and ensure that your teams concentrate on the most significant threats to your organization. This approach embodies Modern Risk-Based Vulnerability Management. Our Risk-Based Vulnerability Management software is pioneering a new standard in the field. It guides your security and IT teams on which infrastructure vulnerabilities to address and when to take action. The newest iteration demonstrates that exploitability can be quantified, and effectively measuring it can aid in its reduction. Cisco Vulnerability Management (previously known as Kenna.VM) merges practical threat and exploit insights with sophisticated data analytics to identify vulnerabilities that present the greatest risk while allowing you to deprioritize lesser threats. Expect your extensive list of “critical vulnerabilities” to diminish more quickly than a wool sweater in a hot wash cycle, providing a more manageable and efficient security strategy. By adopting this modern methodology, organizations can enhance their overall security posture and respond more effectively to emerging threats.