Standardized menus, role-based security access securities, and end-of-day reporting are all available for consistency across multi-unit operations. With ease, you can manage 10,000+ concurrent users. Peer-to peer computing technology, no single point for failure, Linux OS and Java application with an uptime exceeding 99.9% and zero data loss. Concurrent users, Enterprise stability and robustness, automatic daily data backups There are 200+ reports already built in, and you can create custom reports to track sales and business trends. How do you feed a large community? You can keep track of residents, meal plans, and food restrictions. 24/7 support with an average wait time of 1 minute 30 seconds. You can place orders faster, increase check sizes, and program promotions and combos automatically. You can track inventory at concessions and bust lines using handheld tablets. Encourage in-seat ordering within your complex. You can manage hundreds of locations using your web browser. You can also standardize menus, discounts, and securities across your Enterprise.