Antidote is the cure for writing. You can access the most useful and comprehensive language resources available, whether you are writing an essay or an e-mail. All the tools you need for improving your writing. Antidote 10 provides a single-stop, multi-resource platform that is sure to prove useful for anyone who writes in English. Antidote's corrections flag a variety of errors in one operation. This includes incorrect capitalization, verb agreement, and unwelcomed commas and redundancies. Correct spelling and grammar are the next steps. Style, repetitions, and dull verbs should be addressed. Never before has software given you the ability to improve your writing. You can see the full definition of your word, including its plural form, pronunciation, rhymes, and etymology. Check out the list of synonyms and antonyms. Learn its conjugation and its combinations, plus many more. Antidote has identified 128,000 words, including 15,000 proper noms.