Gophish, a powerful and open-source phishing framework, makes it easy for you to test your organization's vulnerability to phishing. Gophish makes it easy for you to import or create pixel-perfect templates for phishing. Our web UI features a full HTML editor that allows you to customize your templates right from your browser. The campaign is launched and phishing emails are sent automatically in the background. Campaigns can be scheduled to launch at any time you like. You receive detailed results in near real time. You can export the results for use in reports. Gophish offers a beautiful web interface. Gophish allows you to import existing websites and email addresses, enable email open tracking, as well as other features with just one click. Gophish updates results automatically. The UI allows you to view a timeline of each recipient, track email opens, link clicks and submit credentials. Everything in Gophish is designed "just to work". It's easy to set up, quick to use, and powerful enough to make you believe it works.