Since 1984, Comlite has been a leader for intra-office communication and paging in the medical field. In 1984, Comlite was a manufacturer of wireless light signal communication stations. In 2011, we became a software developer. Our Comlite light-signaling software and paging software are a comprehensive time management tool that can be used by optometry and dental practices, as well as other medical specialties. It works with all types of Windows™ computers, including tablets, all-in one's and traditional workstations. Comlite software can be used in conjunction with existing practice management (PM), and electronic health record software (EHR). Comlite software has been used to increase productivity and revenue for more than 10,000 healthcare facilities worldwide. It uses light-signaling, targeted texts communications, and audible bells. Comlite Systems creates intra-office communications that can be discreet, easy to use, and affordable. We are committed to continuously improving our intra-office communication and paging software.