Ziroh Store Description
It is unsafe to sync/store your important files to cloud storage platforms. Because there is no cloud capable of keeping your information completely private. Your cloud storage provider can see all your files and tell you about you, including your personal images, bank details, academic transcripts, and work documents. You don't have any control over who sees your information and what they do with it. When you sync your gallery with your cloud, it makes your personal photos and videos available to anyone who has a backdoor to cloud storage. They have access to all private moments you capture and even delete. You can do a simple search to find out when your cloud storage provider was last compromised. Your files in the cloud are protected by you, your cloud storage provider, and their allies until a skilled hacker tries to access them. Ziroh Store is an intuitive privacy-preserving software that allows you to upload files encrypted to any cloud platform.
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