Magic Eden
Magic Eden is a NFT marketplace that Solana/Ethereum/Polygon/Bitcoin/Ordinals deserves. It's fast, easy, and smooth. The only one that has 0% listing fees. Magic Eden is a company that is focused on the community. We strive to be responsive, on the ground and to serve the best interests of the collections. We airdropped Magic Ticket to over 30,000 users to prove our commitment to our community. Magic Tickets give holders access to MagicDAO, our DAO based on Discord, where we provide interconnectivity to the community via social programs and rewards. We offer the most liquidity to creators, with over 90% of the market share in secondary trading volume. Launchpad is the only platform we use to mint coins. We accept 3% from all Launchpad applications, and feature the most promising projects on Solana. Our technology can be used to power your own marketplace, or mint button.
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Bitget Wallet
Bitget Wallet is the ultimate Web3 multichain wallet. It offers a comprehensive platform that combines wallet, Swap Market, DApp Browser and Launchpad. Bitget Wallet aggregates the top DEXs, NFT markets and 100+ public chains to provide users with best trading prices.
With over 60 million users and connections to over 100 blockchains, 20,000+ DApps, and 500,000+ tokens, Bitget Wallet enables seamless multi-chain trading across hundreds of DEXs and cross-chain bridges
Our mission is to build a decentralized Web3 crypto wallet that offers a convenient and secure trading experience for all cryptocurrency users.
The NFT Market of Bitget Wallet, with its 220,000 NFT collections, and $40 million in trading volumes, is one of BNB Chain's and Polygon's largest marketplaces. It uses the unique DESM algorithm and offers a 400 million Secure Asset Fund (SAF) to ensure the security of user transactions and assets.
Bitget Web3 Wallet's user-friendly features empower users to engage in decentralized applications and digital asset exchanges, making it easier than ever to take advantage of the Web3 ecosystem.
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The largest digital marketplace for crypto collectibles, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other assets. Discover, buy, sell, and discover digital assets such as Axies, ENS numbers, CryptoKitties and Decentraland. True digital ownership is key to creating new economies. OpenSea is the largest marketplace for user-owned digital products. This includes collectibles, gaming items and domain names. It also offers other assets that are backed by blockchain technology. OpenSea is excited about a new type of digital good, often called a non-fungible token or NFT. NFTs offer exciting new properties. They are unique, scarce, liquid, and can be used across multiple applications. You can do what you like with them, just as physical goods. They can be thrown in the trash, given to a friend around the world, or sold on an open market. They are programmable digital assets, which is a big difference from physical goods.
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Digital goods from your favorite brands and artists. You can collect NFTs and create your own storefront. Our Web 3.0 tools allow creators and brands create unique, connected items that are useful and enjoyable for their fans online and offline. Manage your unique items and multiple editions with digitally traceable Non Fungible Tokens. You can either sell or auction your items directly or create buzz around your limited edition Drop. Get paid in USD or Ethereum. Flexible Minting on Blockparty and Ethereum reduces minting fees and the environmental impact. New tools for creating custom storefronts, royalties, and other features are coming soon. For custom solutions, reach out to our team. Browse the Marketplace to find digital and physical items and experiences from the most renowned creators and brands. You can purchase or bid on Items using a credit card, debit card or MetaMask (now accepting USD or Ethereum).
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