Best Viume Alternatives in 2024

Find the top alternatives to Viume currently available. Compare ratings, reviews, pricing, and features of Viume alternatives in 2024. Slashdot lists the best Viume alternatives on the market that offer competing products that are similar to Viume. Sort through Viume alternatives below to make the best choice for your needs

  • 1 Reviews

    $89 per month
    Intelligent search converts more. Intelligent search engine designed for e-commerce allows you to personalize your search experience and show the most relevant products. One engine designed for ecommerce. With faceted search, you can automatically recognize customer search intent and context. Intelligent autocorrect ensures that you deliver the correct search result every single time, even if searchers misspell words or make innocent typos. Synonym detection across multiple languages allows you to show relevant search results in languages other than English. You can create the best user experience by simply adding custom UX-blocks to any product attribute that you wish for easy filtering. Include relevant content from your blog, CMS pages, and categories.
  • 2
    Amazon Personalize Reviews
    Amazon Personalize allows developers to create applications using the same machine learning technology (ML) used by to provide personalized recommendations in real time. No ML expertise is required. Amazon Personalize allows developers to easily create applications that can deliver a wide range of personalized experiences. This includes product recommendations, personalized product ranking, and targeted direct marketing. Amazon Personalize is a fully managed machine-learning service that goes beyond static rule-based recommendation systems. It trains, tunes and deploys customML models to deliver highly personalized recommendations to customers in a variety of industries, including media and entertainment. Amazon Personalize provides the infrastructure and manages all aspects of the ML pipeline. This includes processing the data, identifying features and using the best algorithms. Training, optimizing and hosting the models are also included.
  • 3
    Nosto Reviews
    Today, create shopping experiences that will win you customers for life. The world's first Commerce Experience Platform is an integrated suite of data-driven personalization and marketing solutions that will help you grow faster. The Nosto Commerce Platform allows you to quickly and easily create fully personalized, integrated commerce experiences. You can also control the merchandising rules across product recommendations, content, trigger overlays and popups and category pages. With our intuitive interface and extensive list of integrations, you can quickly create personalized shopping experiences. Nosto's unique approach of keeping product and shopper information updated in real time means that each customer's shopping experience is personalized. You can say goodbye to unrelated images, copy, and product impressions that can harm your brand's perception and sales.
  • 4
    FACT-Finder Reviews
    Our software suite includes modules that you can configure using an easy-to use back-end. The FACT-Finder Core is the core of your e-commerce growth. It provides optimized site search and actionable data. Each module helps customers have the best experience and boosts conversion. The modules are seamlessly integrated using innovative algorithms and Artificial Intelligence. FACT-Finder helps you save time by automatically creating product categories in your navigation menu and grouping new products to the most relevant position. You can easily adjust the category pages to meet your business needs with just a few clicks from our back-end. The Customer Journey module records clicks during navigation and provides valuable data to all FACT-Finder tools powered by Machine Learning. It improves with every input it receives.
  • 5
    PureClarity Reviews


    PureClarity Technologies

    PureClarity is a leader in intelligent ecommerce personalization. Our software has a variety of features that will help you increase revenue and average order values, and convert your online visitors to loyal customers. Your customers will be able to shop with you in a way that is different from other competitors. To engage visitors and convert them into buyers, display personalized banners, images, and text. Powerful personalized recommendations can be used to cross-sell and upsell products at the right moment. No matter how little or much trading history your webstore has, our comprehensive recommender engine will help you find the best products to display. Displaying relevant products to customers' searches will help them find what they are looking for. You can use personalized email campaigns to get customers back based upon products they have viewed or purchased in the past. Integrate with your existing Email Service Providers (Mailchimp and Dotdigital)
  • 6
    trbo Reviews
    Use trbo's personalization platform onsite to address customers individually or personally in real-time. The German market leader in personalization, recommendations, A/B/n testing, and many other features are all included in the solution. Use trbo's personalization platform onsite to address customers individually or personally in real-time. The German market leader in personalization, recommendations, A/B/n testing, and many more features are all included in the solution. Based on the customer's profile, context and other relevant information, recommend individual products. This ensures that the user receives the best product recommendation at the right moment and at the right place. The self-learning algorithm optimizes the display of products in background based on click and conversion rates. You can save layouts you have already created (e.g. You can save different algorithms and test different layouts (e.g. Inpage banner versus overlay or exit intent).
  • 7
    Jivox Reviews
    A single technology stack is all you need to manage personalized ad content delivery and attribution across all media and eCommerce platforms. Deliver the right message at right time across owned and paid channels to achieve media performance and maximize ROI. This allows you to understand each customer's intent at each stage of their buying journey. Cross-channel analytics and sales attribution via data clean rooms. Recognize and process consented consumer engagement events in real-time. Personalize omnichannel messaging for individual customers. Facilitate enterprise-wide collaboration to enable local to global implementation. Identify consumers in the market and match them with the right product, offers and pricing.
  • 8
    Reccodo Reviews



    €39 per month
    Personalized experiences can increase sales and turn customers into loyal customers. Based on past and current behavior, you can present the most relevant products to customers. You can predict possible product combinations and present them in a bundle. You can increase your basket value by offering complementary products to customers, creating a seamless experience and driving higher basket values. Keep your customers engaged by your brand by displaying the most relevant products in your search bar. You can extend our product recommendations to suggest items that customers type on the Search Bar. Use the power of web analytics and traffic data to tailor the experience of customers, engage with them, and turn them into buyers. We analyze the online behavior of shoppers to show you what each customer really wants.
  • 9
    Kevy Reviews



    $250 per month
    The best platform to grow sales. You can personalize your online marketing using artificial intelligence-backed insights, hands-free automations, and personalized marketing. Shoppers want to feel a personal connection when shopping with brands they trust. Kevy can help you personalize your marketing to convert customers. Segmentation doesn’t have to be difficult. It doesn't require you to manually create all the rules. Kevy automates segmentation by using A.I. You can use Kevy to identify everything, from email lovers to high probability buyers and look-alikes. Kevy will do all the hard work. Kevy will help you have consistent and relevant interactions. Kevy can help you re-engage customers who have already purchased or convert new visitors.
  • 10
    Apptus eSales Reviews
    Intelligent search and merchandising are essential tools for online retailers. eSales offers e-commerce managers AI-powered, business-oriented online merchandising that increases customer life-value. It combines Site search with Navigation, Recommendations and Ads into one integrated solution. Each component learns from the other and informs it, which leads to a more relevant user experience and higher conversions. The system can learn from visitors' behavior and anticipate their intent. It then adapts automatically to optimize product ranking to meet your business objectives. eSales automates repetitive and manual tasks, allowing the merchandising staff to focus on creative activities. The system is always on alert, so you can spot trends and respond immediately to any opportunities.
  • 11
    Algonomy Recommend Reviews
    Recommend is an eCommerce personalization platform that delivers individualized, contextually relevant product recommendations.
  • 12
    Dressipi Reviews
    Dressipi is leading a revolution in fashion ecommerce personalization. Dressipi helps retailers understand the unique complexity of fashion (think seasonality and trends, taste, etc.) and shows them the items they are most likely to purchase - or keep. Products are automatically tagged 3x more detailed. Data is crunched at large scale. Fashion expertise is added. Dressipi does all the heavy lifting so their customers can stay ahead and enjoy higher profits. Dressipi's personal recommendations and outfits are now better than any competitor in A/B testing. They also deliver incremental improvements in profit (+21%) and revenue (+12%), returns (+-15%), and sell-through rate (+10%) Finally, personalized ecommerce lives up to its name.
  • 13
    Predixit Reviews



    €49 per month
    Turn your traffic data into actionable data. You can store browsing behavior and classify users into similar behavior groups. You can identify your users to reward, motivate, and get back. Also, you can find out which brands, categories, and offers have high conversion potential. Start by creating a page with browsing history, listing products purchased or seen recently. Remember to remind abandoned products that have not been purchased. Last but not least, remind all users to do this, even anonymous or non-registered. AI uses our predictive technology to provide a personalized shopping experience. Based on the shopper's preferences and intent, display personalized product recommendations. You can manage multiple recommendation campaigns. Different algorithms can be used to personalize your shopping experience, depending on browsing history and nonclick behavior.
  • 14
    Recommend Reviews



    $82.38 per month
    Recommend helps your business grow while curating your customers' personalized shopping experience. Recommend, powered by AI, collects and analyzes customer actions to create unique shopping experiences for each customer. Recommend provides a 360o marketing platform that enables e-commerce businesses to personalize and offer 360o marketing. Recommend allows brands to create an unique shopping experience to anticipate customers' needs and wants. eCommerce's future is to stop treating customers as segments and start treating them as individuals. Your business must understand your customers from the moment they visit your website. Our sophisticated data gathering system will gather information and analyze every action customers take while browsing your website in order to create an exceptional shopping experience for each of them.
  • 15
    Beauty Matching Engine Reviews
    Target customers with dynamic personalization and intelligent curation at all touchpoints to increase revenue. Customers can improve customer experience by using AI-driven personalized recommendations. AI-driven personalized emails with the right content, sent at the right time. Personalize category and product listing pages by sorting products based on user behavior. Virtual Beauty Assistant allows you to capture customer data. To increase loyalty and AOV, you can use the "beauty fingerprints" data to target customers. The menu and menu dropdown are personalized to the customer's preference. The menu will be customized to reflect the customer's preference for cleansers. Complete data insights with actionable visualizations. To help with choice paralysis, show visitors personalized product recommendations. Each landing page can be personalized.
  • 16
    Lily AI Reviews
    Lily AI improves the shopping experience by injecting consumer-centric words throughout the retail ecosystem. This maximizes technology investments and can deliver upwards to a nine-figure revenue boost. Lily AI transforms qualitative product attributes into a universal mathematical language that is centered on the customer, with unprecedented accuracy. This results in a scale and depth of attribution no other solution can match. Fuel your existing ecommerce platform, search engine and PIM tools, SEO/SEM, and SEO/SEM with the most accurate and deepest product attribution data available in commerce. Over 20,000 attributes are included.
  • 17
    SmartHint Reviews



    SmartHint allows small e-commerces sell more by using artificial intelligence to recommend products based on their customers' needs. We adapt the products to each customer's profile. We create urgency through pop-ups on product pages, cart abandonment, and pop-ups. We are the most affordable intelligent search and recommendation system on the global market. Our team is always available to help you via email, chat, or WhatsApp. To predict buying behavior, we have data from over 50 million users. We make it easier to personalize shop windows by automating this process. The site's homepage now shows more relevant products. All the results are available in real-time in our dashboard analytics.
  • 18
    Barilliance Reviews



    Increase sales through repeat purchases, lower churn and higher LTV. Barilliance merges customer data from multiple channels (emails, web activity, physical shops, CRM data, and across devices) into one 360 user profile. You can drill down to the customer level to view data broken down by customer and session. Products viewed, added in cart, purchased, search terms used, and products purchased. Barilliance 360 customer big-data allows you to prioritize campaigns and focus on the best opportunities. In real-time, you can see the intent and size of different target audiences. We calculate key metrics like LTV and average purchase value. Our point-and-click campaign builder allows you to easily embed highly customized product recommendations. Our product recommendation engine and website personalizedization suite can be fully integrated to create relevant offers that go far beyond coupons and blanket discounts.
  • 19
    Attraqt Reviews
    You can orchestrate individual shopper experience at scale. Through brand inspiration and creativity, empower discovery by creating an emotional connection between consumers and brands. Respond to shoppers' needs at every moment. A micro-experience that is unique and relevant to the context of the interaction and the stage they are at in their shopping journey will be a memorable one. All engagement moments can be integrated across all devices, channels and locations to connect the shopper's journey. Optimize every stage of your shopper journey to meet your commercial goals. Your expertise can enhance algorithm-driven intelligence. Your technology stack should evolve. Keep your focus on the innovation components that make an impact. Eliminate silos with a single intelligence layer that delivers actionable insight.
  • 20 Reviews
    Advanced visual AI in Fashion will transform your product images into beautifully categorized data. This will help you improve your catalog management efficiency, analyzes, and product discovery. Pixyle's visual AI in fashion solutions are precise, powerful, and seamlessly integrate with any tech stack. Our AI technology can scan and analyze all product images in a matter of seconds. We have incorporated the most advanced visual AI technology into essential tools for fashion retailers in order to succeed in the digital fashion online market. Deep learning technology and AI have been able to recognize product features in fashion images, and create rich tags. Attribute tags are automatically generated. These tags will provide deep, specific insights into your products and help improve product discovery in your online eCommerce store. Get more insight into trends with our detailed fashion attributes and make better business decisions.
  • 21
    RetailSense Reviews


    RecoSense Infosolutions

    To better understand your customers, you must understand their behavior and intent. So that you can suggest items they are interested in. RetailSense's offer engine allows you to create and automate dynamic offers suggestions at different stages in the user journey to draw repeat buyers and first-time users. A search service that includes auto-correct, search by attributes and brands, as well as innovative auto-suggestions can be used to make powerful discovery. Search inputs can be used to enrich user personas. You can target specific segments with personalized push notifications and offer emails.
  • 22
    Coveo Reviews
    360deg relevancy across Websites, Ecommerce and Service. Every interaction, recommendation, search is made better. We help businesses deliver the experiences people want. The Coveo Relevance Cloud is the first step to relevant search. Self-optimizing AI allows you to harness the power of every click and query. You can deliver better experiences by noticing search relevance from Day 1. Then scale to full 360 degree relevance. Every query and click tells you what your customer wants. You'll be able to provide relevant product results and product and content recommendations that customers will want to 'add it to cart'. With AI-powered customer self service and AI-assisted agent answers, connect each customer to the most relevant answers quicker.
  • 23 Reviews
    Automate product discovery to learn customer intent. Machine learning can optimize results across the board. Personalize search, autosuggests, browse, and recommendation results for each user. Computational approaches that infer intent from a user's search query. Continuously updated search results rankings using automated learning from behavioral data. Data-driven, integrated effort to provide unique results for every person and query. Advanced tools to complement automated results with merchant expertise. Automate product discovery to learn customer intent. Machine learning can optimize results across the board. You can personalize search, autosuggest and browse results for each user. Natural language processing interprets the query and provides conversion-worthy results as users type. Constructor Search learns from behavioral data.
  • 24
    Hello Retail Reviews
    Through intelligent AI-based behavior recognition software, our products create a personalized customer experience for every online retailer. Our products can be interconnected and assembled into a variety of solutions that we provide daily to our customers to create highly engaging experiences that improve UX, increase ROI and produce high-quality customer experiences. We have three suites that can help you achieve your goals and improve your e-commerce business. This visual BI tool allows you to get to know your customers and create segments that you can use in marketing. Engage your customers with highly engaging experiences that are based on product recommendations. Increase customer lifecycle value. Retention is 30% of any e-commerce store's revenue stream. The Audience solution gives you the tools to create advanced customer segments the easy way.
  • 25
    Retargeting Reviews
    We understand how difficult it can be to manage marketing activities for your company and get great results. Our goal is to make ecommerce easy for both you and your customers. You can quickly and easily improve your marketing strategy and reach all your goals with one app. You can deliver Google, Facebook, or YouTube ads with up to 50% higher CPA. With eye-catching, highly-effective, and simple-to-set up ads, target new and existing customers. Our new creative builder is filled with auto-generated content and powerful animations. Scale creatives across channels. You can send triggered emails, push notifications, and SMS with a 15% conversion rate. You can create custom-tailored newsletters and laser-targeted product recommendations for each customer.
  • 26
    Salesforce Marketing Cloud Personalization Reviews
    AI and real-time analytics can be used to personalize the customer experience and optimize conversions. Our personalization engine allows you to treat each customer as an individual, and maximize ROI on your marketing campaigns. Create personalized experiences using machine learning and AI. Customize everything from webpages to product recommendations, content and more. Using a combination of real-time data and historical customer information, tailor each customer experience to drive a specific KPI. This can range from customer acquisition to retention. Machine learning can improve page personalization, influencing CTAs such as banners and pop-ups. You can test and target your customers' browsing speed, with personalization decisions occurring in milliseconds. Use AI to synthesize data from in-the moment intent and past business engagements, to identify customer affinities and interests.
  • 27
    ODOSCOPE Reviews
    We help companies to understand their users, engage with them one on one, and optimize their business strategies. The most engaging products can be tailored to each user at any point and time. ODOSCOPE, the customer engagement platform, provides seamless 1:1 personalization that is tailored to each user at all touchpoints. ODOSCOPE real time AI technology companies can increase customer lifetime value by increasing revenue, and significantly lowering costs. ODOSCOPE is a contracted data processor and integrates all your internal and external data into one platform. This includes customer data, stock and pricing data as well as behavioural data, sociodemographic data and external situational data. Our customer engagement platform allows small and large businesses to successfully manage their existing data for fast business insights and context-based real time decisions.
  • 28
    BrainSINS Reviews
    We have helped hundreds of online shops around the globe increase their conversions and sales. We are an online retailer focused on personalization. Our 360o eCommerce Personalization Suite offers product recommendations, EMail Retargeting, Behavioral Targeting, Gamification, and more. You can add a code line to your website that includes our JavaScript, which is hosted in our CDM. This will give you access to all of our solutions. We also offer plugins for the most popular eCommerce CMS on the market. We can store all customer actions in your online shop, so that we can create a complete customer profile for each customer. We use this information to nurture our personalization service. However, we can also help integrate all of this information into your CRM to better understand your customers. Information is useless if it's not possible to process it and use it in the decision-making process.
  • 29
    Econda Reviews
    econda offers the most innovative SaaS solutions for your data-driven business. Our core competencies include web data acquisitions that are reliable and easily accessible, high-performance data analyses, and data calculation, data mining, and machine learning. We also excel at product recommendations management and personalizing web offers via personalization. econda is the technology company that people love data and are "nerdy enough" to love working with it every day. Our passion is our expertise. We can help your company and you build the right foundations for e-commerce success. Things that we take for granted in one-to-1 communication can also be applied to other channels of communication. You would never point gentlemen in direction of the ladies department.
  • 30
    AiBUY Reviews
    AiBUY's proprietary technology will revolutionize the way your customers interact and shop with your brand. Consumers can interact with your brand, shop for products, and access bios of actors, entertainers, or athlete stats from their preferred devices. Social media and influencer campaigns can increase sales while integrating with eCommerce platforms. AiBUY's machine learning and computer vision algorithms can identify any item through images or videos. This makes the eCommerce experience as natural and fast as possible. AiBUY provides a powerful personalization tool to increase product discovery. A complete suite of data visualizations is available for real-time analysis. We are also looking at predictive insights in context-relevant content performance. High-quality payment integrations with industry leaders such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Stripe.
  • 31
    Vizury Reviews
    Vizury's unmatched technology allows you to create the best customer experiences, no matter if you're an eCommerce store or a retail giant. Vizury bridges the gap between all customer touchpoints: web, mobile, email, messaging apps and physical stores. Our platform can help you increase revenue by bringing customers back into your website, mobile app, and retail stores. For over 10 years, Vizury has helped global ecommerce and retail brands retain and acquire customers. Vizury's deep ecommerce integrations and out-of the-box product features make it easy to scale revenue from online shoppers. Vizury's technology is proven to increase conversions for its customers. Vizury helps brands drive millions of consumer sales every month. Our team of digital marketing professionals can help you create engaging campaigns on Vizury.
  • 32
    AiTrillion Reviews
    AiTrillion is an all-in-one automated marketing platform that offers all the tools needed to help eCommerce sellers increase their sales. It includes unique features and integrated analytics. AiTrillion was founded solely to provide an eCommerce platform for online sellers that allows them to influence more customers by controlling their brand and customer experience to generate more sales. AiTrillion compiles all your subscribers, unknown visitors, and loyal customers in one place. They are depicted in the customer timeline starting with their first visit and ending with their first purchase. Influencing them with a variety of attributes, followed by retargeting, retention, redemption, redeeming, and capture.
  • 33
    ContextIQ Reviews
    Online customers prefer recommendations that are relevant and interesting to their interests or needs. With contextual targeting and behavior profiling, you can give them a better experience. Our recommendation engine allows you to personalize your content more precisely. Personalized content will keep your visitors engaged. The likelihood of a conversion increases the longer a visitor spends on a site. Your eCommerce store can help shoppers find hidden items. Increase sales by offering timely and intelligent product recommendations. Display products and content that are of interest to the user. Only relevant suggestions grab the attention of users and lead to productive interactions. ContextIQ is a personalization tool that can be deployed quickly. It uses collaborative filtering algorithms for recommendations. It can suggest content to users via behavioral targeting.
  • 34
    Dialogue Reviews
    To provide the best experience for your customers online, we analyze, and recognize their shopping habits. Machine Learning powered by caring humans. The first "Autonomous" Ecommerce personalization platform. It works for you. Fully integrated with sales data from the site, our machine learning-powered solution optimizes and improves every session. Our personalization engine automatically promotes the most successful campaigns and generates new ones based upon true relevant performance from your users. Integrate seamlessly into your existing website experience. Compatible with your brand's tone and personality. Every second that customers shop online, they unknowingly communicate their intent through their actions.
  • 35
    QuarticON Reviews
    Artificial intelligence-based system that increases sales in the ecommerce industry by 15% through automated product recommendations. No matter what industry or assumptions your e-commerce is in, we can provide personalized product recommendations to your customers thanks to our advanced artificial intelligence algorithms. Our e-commerce solutions are innovative and highly effective, allowing your online shop to earn more. We match your interface perfectly with our recommendation frames! It doesn't matter how complex the service is, how long it takes to implement or what technical facilities are available. Our team will configure the entire system for your benefit! Marketing automation will allow us to increase the most important indicators, improve sales processes, and create a long-lasting relationship with customers that is based on loyalty. You can now enjoy the benefits of new solutions thanks to us!
  • 36
    Qubit Reviews
    Qubit CommerceAI powers hundreds of brands to generate product recommendations, badging, and insights that help them build exceptional customer experiences. Automated insights allow you to identify which products are performing well and which ones don't. Qubit CommerceAI creates a model for each shopper to make each customer interaction more relevant. Qubit combines data, intent, as well as design tools to help your team create better customer experiences. We have created the next-generation personalization tool by working with real ecommerce teams. No code. No clunkiness. Deep learning technology enabled the world's first customer to product recommendation engine. To create the most relevant product recommendations, harness the power of our model per-shopper technology and add business rules. Get the same recommendations technology as YouTube and Google.
  • 37
    Raptor Services Reviews
    Unify all touchpoints of your customer across all channels and platforms. Make a personal impression wherever you meet your customer. Unify all touchpoints of your customer across all channels and platforms, and you will make a personal impression wherever you meet your customer. Raptor's Merchandising Center allows you to use your recommendation modules on any channel you choose. You can increase exposure for specific products and place them in the customers' line of sight. This combines customer relevance with product promotion. You can create an exceptional shopping experience by empowering personalized product recommendations in real time. This will increase your basket size and order value, as well as revenue per visit. It will also significantly improve customer experience. You will receive highly personalized e-mails that include product recommendations and are tailored to each subscriber.
  • 38
    Beveel Reviews
    Beveel is Afrikaans for "recommend", and it's a customer personalization engine that makes recommendations you can use on your website, emails, or social media channels. Beveel is an artificial intelligence and machine learning-based personalization engine that can be used to personalize commerce. Beveel personalizes the commerce experience of your customers and delivers the best and most relevant experience. Your average order value (AOV) will increase by 30% compared to similar products. Our visual recommendation engine makes it easy to recommend visually similar products to customers using deep learning techniques and Convolutional Neuro Network (CNN). The tuning service by Beveel allows merchandisers the ability to specify their preference for showcasing products that are optimized for Revenue/Margin and Engagement, as well as Conversion. Our purchase intent engine (PIE), matches customer behaviours on the site to personalize the experience.
  • 39
    Celebros Reviews
    Celebros' powerful recommendation engine "knows," like any good salesperson. It suggests additional items to your customers as they shop. Cross Sell's intuitive merchandising technology uses real-time search data and behavioral analytics data to suggest products that may be of interest to your customers. Cross-Sell allows customers to search for and purchase complementary products to the products they are currently shopping. Cross-Sell uses natural language semantic algorithms and past purchases to suggest products that will increase your average order value (AOV) and give you a more personal shopping experience. You can set recommendations to display results based upon your merchandising requirements. Different categories, brands, and SKU's may require different cookie cutter suggestions.
  • 40
    Pique Reviews
    We can help you increase your digital engagement and revenue through individualizing your customers' experiences. We make recommendations that are unique to your customers, encouraging them to convert at every stage of their digital journey. No user is an outsider. Provide real-time recommendations to first-time users and privacy-conscious users, solving the cold-start problem. Pique Personalized recommendations can be integrated via agile API integration to any webpage, app, email, or bot. It provides a comprehensive digital experience. We can help you and your thousands or millions of users find the most beautiful rings, suggest the most engaging songs, or connect job seekers with the best opportunities. You can choose what your customers are most likely buy and then buy again. Even anonymous or "private browsing", visitors can be included. Easily integrate scripts to make recommendations wherever you are.
  • 41
    Cloud.IQ Reviews
    Cloud.IQ is an all-in-one eCommerce platform that increases website traffic and converts customers into visitors. Cloud.IQ simplifies the process of selling online with its eCommerce marketing solutions. Engage customers, recover lost sales, and increase growth. PayPal recommends this eCommerce marketing platform as the best to increase online sales conversion. Tools designed to convert customers who have abandoned their shopping cart. Encourage customers to purchase the products they've looked at before abandoning your website. With our behavioral overlays, you can build marketing lists by capturing emails from website visitors. You can create personalized shopping experiences that are tailored to your customers' needs by suggesting relevant products to increase your average order value. Use proven eCommerce marketing strategies to build trust and create urgency. Customers can see how popular your products are.
  • 42
    LimeSpot Reviews
    Maximize the impact of your online store's real-estate. LimeSpot AI understands both your products AND your customers. Our platform combines complete catalog data with cross-web consumer purchasing behaviors to provide personalized recommendations to every customer. -Show customers the right products, at the right time Personalize every step of your journey -Different recommendation types to suit different needs Personalized marketing emails can increase value - Platform tools like A/B/n testing Integrate with big names such as Shopify, Shopify Plus and BigCommerce, WooCommerce and many more.
  • 43
    Unbxd Reviews
    Create an ecommerce search experience that converts buyers to shoppers by creating relevant and personalized search results. Convert more shoppers by creating contextual relevance. Personalize the category pages to create an exceptional shopping experience for shoppers. Personalized product suggestions can increase cart size and AOV. To publish large amounts of content, you can use AI and Digital Asset management. AI-models that make site search intelligent, relevant, and personalized. Site-Search that converts buyers into shoppers across all devices: desktop, mobile, and web. Your shoppers will enjoy a smooth and fast ecommerce search experience. To help shoppers make informed business decisions, track their affinity and purchase behaviour. Get a 360-degree view of your business and deep insight.
  • 44
    LiftIgniter Reviews
    Easy-to-use machine-learning tool that personalizes the user experience. This tool guarantees higher conversions. LiftIgniter allows you to personalize every aspect of your customer experience. LiftIgniter uses real-time machine learning to increase conversions by providing timely and relevant recommendations that don't compromise the privacy of the end user. You can ensure that both new and returning customers receive relevant recommendations right away. Personalize recommendations to each visitor according to your brand's look and feel. Stop visitors from seeing content that they have already purchased. Establish placement rules quickly to guide visitors to the content they are most interested in. Within 15 days, you will see cart values and conversion rates rise by 15%. To increase your basket size and monetization, you can leverage ML-based personalization. You can create a one-to-1 marketing interaction with personalized recommendations and convert more customers.
  • 45
    Frosmo Reviews
    AI-driven personalization is used to create digital customer journeys that increase loyalty, retention, and provide long-term benefits for both brands and customers. Frosmo offers a demo to start most engagements. We'd be happy for you to get one. Send us your email address and one of our personalization specialists will reach out about the demo. Industry best practices automatically applied to your site. To increase sales, create recommendation strategies using a simple UI. Predefined recommendations strategies for different page types and uses. You can personalize existing elements or create new ones.
  • 46
    WiQhit Reviews



    €50 per month
    Personalized notifications, product recommendations and more relevant emails can help you achieve 10-30% higher eCommerce sales. WiQhit has been a success. Numerous webshops and ecommerce companies have seen an increase in turnover of up to 30%. Our simple WiQhit personalization button will get you up and running in just a few minutes. Your personalization expert will assist you in setting up and optimizing your program. Your customers will be treated like royalty, from browsing to order. Show product suggestions, encourage cross- and/or upselling, and increase order value. Your online store will convert better with personalized and well-timed messages. Personalize your emails to increase open rates and reach more people. Your online store will convert better with personalized and timely messages. Trusting the opinions of customers is more likely to win new customers. Use it for your sales purposes!
  • 47
    Crossing Minds Reviews
    We know that the right recommendations can create a memorable customer journey and build customer loyalty. Our next-generation AI allows you to instantly anticipate your customers' needs and wants using anonymized user data. Your customers can now stop searching and start finding. Our recommendation platform is built using a proprietary AI algorithm, and a next-generation API that we designed to work together. This allows any part of your business to easily integrate into our platform and generate the best recommendations. Recommendations must keep up with your evolving and growing business. Our platform allows product and business teams to quickly update inventories and catalogs using our platform. It's easy for your development teams. Our platform allows personalization to be as simple and intuitive as possible. We don't need any personal data to create tailored experiences.
  • 48
    Personalization Reviews
    Every visitor is unique and deserves special attention. Our AI-powered personalization technology allows us to do this in real time. Our mission is to maximize your ecommerce executive's value and that of your visitors through AI-powered eCommerce personalization. You can leave some footprints when a visitor visits your site. Visitors browse through many pages and view different types of content. These behaviors are tracked and analyzed in real-time to provide personalized recommendations to your visitors. Your visitors' ever-changing behaviours are not always revealed by large and permanent macro-segments that contain thousands of people. We can help you! Our AI-powered personalization approach allows us to segment your visitors in real-time, creating thousands of micro-segments. This is how we can detect behavioural changes and provide personalized recommendations that meet the needs of your visitors.
  • 49
    AB Tasty Reviews

    AB Tasty

    AB Tasty

    AB Tasty, a global leader of AI-powered experience optimization, empowers brands to create better experiences for their customers on their websites and mobile apps by leveraging personalization, experimentation and recommendations. AB Tasty integrates web-based and API-based services into a single platform that allows companies to create seamless experiences for their customers. AB Tasty’s platform helps brands align their digital, ecommerce, and product teams around revenue goals. This is done by optimizing and enhancing digital experiences. Founded in 2013, AB Tasty's client list includes world-leading companies such as Kering and McDonald's. It also includes L'Oreal, Disneyland Paris and LVMH. AB Tasty operates 12 offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific.
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    HiConversion Reviews
    Customers are now more in control of how they shop online. Only the best experiences will keep them coming back. It is more important than ever that you deliver personalized, relevant buying experiences to all your customers, at all times, across all segments and throughout the customer's entire lifecycle. HiConversion's deep machine-learning algorithms and detailed customer data allow you to present highly relevant product recommendations in real time - all based upon your visitors' behavior during live-shopping sessions. You can say goodbye to traditional product recommendations that don't take into account the changing preferences of online shoppers. You can run multiple experiments simultaneously to turbocharge your conversion rate optimization. Our self-learning algorithms adjust to visitor preferences in real time to minimize risk and maximize revenue lift.