Vite Description
Prepare yourself for a development platform that can finally catch you up.
Vite is an open-source build tool designed to make web development faster and more efficient. It is divided into two main parts:
A dev server with rich features over native ES Modules, such as extremely fast Hot Module Replacement.
Build command that bundles code with Rollup and is pre-configured for highly optimized static assets.
Vite is opinionated, and comes with sensible defaults right out of the box. It is also highly extensible through its Plugin API and JavaScript with full typing support.
Vite Alternatives
Titanium SDK
JavaScript allows you to write and run anywhere natively. Titanium allows you to create cross-platform native mobile apps and great mobile experiences with JavaScript. Access hundreds of native UI components and non-visual components for your application (such as networks or media APIs). Titanium's extensive selection of community modules allows you to easily include third-party components in your apps. The Titanium SDK allows you to create native cross-platform mobile apps using JavaScript and Titanium API. This abstracts the native APIs for the mobile platforms. Titanium allows you to create fully-featured, immersive applications that can be reused over 80% across mobile apps. TiDev licenses Titanium according to the OSI-approved Apache Public License Version 2. It is free for personal and business use. Learn how to create a basic user interface, manage events, and learn about animations and gestures.
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SvelteKit allows you to quickly develop robust and performant web applications by using Svelte. It provides solutions for routing, data fetching and service workers. TypeScript integration is also supported. SvelteKit applications are server-rendered as a default, providing excellent performance on first load and SEO benefits. However, they can be switched to client-side navigation for a better user experience. The framework is designed for developers to grow along with them, allowing them start simple and then add new features when needed. SvelteKit uses Vite to provide a feature-rich and fast development experience. This includes hot module replacement. Svelte is an easy way to create user interface components like a navigational bar, comment section or contact form that users can see and interact with. The Svelte compiler will convert your components into JavaScript, which can be used to render HTML and CSS for the page.
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A powerful web application framework built on Spring Boot that uses Groovy. Convention-over-configuration, sensible defaults, opinionated APIs, and the Groovy language combine to make the Grails® framework easy to learn for Java developers. The Grails framework is built upon Spring Boot and takes advantage of Spring Boot's time-savings features like Spring-powered dependency injection. The Grails framework seamlessly integrates and interoperates transparently with Java, the JVM and existing Java EE container. Apache Groovy, a language for Java platform, is designed to improve developers' productivity. It can be typed in dynamic and optionally, but it also has static-typing capabilities and static compilation. The Grails framework integrates seamlessly with GORM, a data accessibility toolkit that provides a rich array of APIs to access relational and non-relational information. GORM also supports implementations of Hibernate (SQL), MongoDB and Cassandra as well as Neo4j.
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Built on top of standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with intuitive APIs and world-class documentation. Reactive, compiler-optimized rendering system that rarely needs manual optimization. An ecosystem rich in features that can be easily adopted incrementally. It can scale between a library or a fully-featured framework. Vue is a JavaScript framework that allows you to build user interfaces. It is built on top of JavaScript, CSS, and standard HTML and offers a declarative and component-based programming structure that allows you to efficiently create user interfaces, no matter how simple or complex. Vue extends the standard HTML with a template syntax, which allows us to describe HTML output using JavaScript state. Vue tracks JavaScript state changes automatically and updates the DOM as soon as they occur. Vue is a framework that provides most of the features required for frontend development.
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