VReel Description
All videos purchased through our plans are covered by our royalty-free licensing. All purchased videos are available for download at no additional cost. The footage can be used in any type of video project, even commercial. You get the best content for the best price with our subscription model. Flexible plans are available to meet your budget and needs. Our library is constantly updated with new drone footage by our contributors. This keeps our archive fresh and dynamic. You can inspect every clip before purchasing. Download a 720p watermarked copy to use in your project, or to pitch a client.
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All stock is ungraded and ready to be mixed in. A graded file is available to help you get started quickly. All stock is graded and ungraded, so you can create and reuse our footage as you wish. Only high-resolution footage is offered. Every purchase includes a graded and an ungraded file at no additional cost. Both files are instantly available. The ungraded file allows you to color grade the footage to fit your project. Ungraded offers one license, our super simple license. This license allows you to use the files royalty-free and forever anywhere in the world. We want you to use our footage the best possible. Therefore, you will always receive the highest quality result, again at no additional cost. This is at minimum 4K. You will find more of our library in higher resolutions.
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Our vast stock media content library includes over 18,000 stock footage and motion graphics clips. We are constantly adding new stock media content. All of our content is carefully curated in-house so that you can be certain you are getting high quality content that you can safely use in your project. Videvo is constantly updating with new HD stock videos and motion graphics. We collaborate with editors and videographers from all over the world to provide a unique and diverse collection of video assets that you won’t find anywhere else. You can download content and upload your videos to the Videvo library. You will help others create their own projects and you will feel awesome doing it. You have the option to choose how your content is licensed and whether you are credited for your work.
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Depositphotos is a commercial platform which connects licensed stock photos, vectors, and videos creators with buyers. We were able to create a place that combines creativity and business through the combined efforts of talented professionals from around the world. Depositphotos has 200 million files: royalty-free images and videos, vectors as well as illustrations and music. Explore our extensive thematic stock photography collection and our stock video and music libraries to find exactly what your project needs. Leading international companies trust us with their audio and visual content. Easy-to-use search tools make it easy to find the image that you need. You can also download high-res images without watermarks for free. Only pay after you have purchased the license. You can create and manage sub-accounts for your team.
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Vimeo Stock
You pay a one-time licensing fee when you purchase footage to be used in your video projects. After that, you don't have to pay any royalties based on the number of videos or plays. All of our stock clips can be used in unlimited video projects. You can use them in commercials, narrative films and documentary films as well as on websites and in corporate videos. Albums can be used to collect clips that you are interested in licensing or to create moodboards to help you brainstorm ideas for your next project. To ensure that you and your team are on the same page about which clips work best, you can share albums. We are thrilled that you are interested. We have partnered with creators to offer a wide range of exclusive and non-exclusive footage. The collection is currently only available to those who are invited.
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Pricing Starts At:
€69 per month
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