Mandiant Threat Intelligence
Mandiant Threat Intelligence module gives organizations of all sizes visibility to the latest threats right from the frontlines. Get started today. Mandiant Threat Intelligence provides security professionals unparalleled visibility and expertise into the threats that are important to their business. Over 300 intelligence and security professionals from 22 countries have compiled our threat intelligence. They have conducted undercover adversarial searches, malicious infrastructure reconstructions, and actor identification processes. This knowledge is part of the Mandiant Intel Grid. Threat Intelligence can either be delivered as a technology or operated side-by-side by your team. You can improve your defenses by understanding the motivations, behaviors, and cybercrime actors that target your organization.
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Sequretek Percept XDR
Cloud-based enterprise platform that offers automated threat detection and responses using AI and Big Data across cloud and on premise enterprise environments. Percept XDR provides end-to-end protection, threat detection and reaction while allowing businesses to focus on core business growth. Percept XDR protects against phishing attacks, ransomware, malicious software, vulnerability exploits and insider threats. It also helps to protect from web attacks, adware, and other advanced attacks. Percept XDR can ingest data and uses AI to detect threats. The AI detection engine can identify new use cases, anomalies and threats by ingesting sensor telemetry and logs. Percept XDR is a SOAR-based automated reaction in line with MITRE ATT&CK® framework.
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SOC Prime Platform
SOC Prime equips security teams with the largest and most robust platform for collective cyber defense that cultivates collaboration from a global cybersecurity community and curates the most up-to-date Sigma rules compatible with over 28 SIEM, EDR, and XDR platforms. Backed by a zero-trust approach and cutting-edge technology powered by Sigma and MITRE ATT&CK®️, SOC Prime enables smart data orchestration, cost-efficient threat hunting, and dynamic attack surface visibility to maximize the ROI of SIEM, EDR, XDR & Data Lake solutions while boosting detection engineering efficiency. SOC Prime’s innovation is recognized by independent research companies, credited by the leading SIEM, XDR & MDR vendors, and trusted by 8,000+ organizations from 155 countries, including 42% of Fortune 100, 21% of Forbes Global 2000, 90+ public sector institutions, and 300+ MSSP and MDR providers. SOC Prime is backed by DNX Ventures, Streamlined Ventures, and Rembrandt Venture Partners, having received $11.5M in funding in October 2021. Driven by its advanced cybersecurity solutions, Threat Detection Marketplace, Uncoder AI, and Attack Detective, SOC Prime enables organizations to risk-optimize their cybersecurity posture.
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Unprecedented view of the vulnerable ecosystem from the eye the storm. Prioritize response. Get to work quickly before attacks occur. Access to new vulnerabilities information, including dozens of fields that are not available in the NVD, is possible early. Real-time monitoring exploit PoCs, exploitation timelines, ransomware, botnet and APT/threat actors activity. To protect against initial access vulnerabilities, Suricata signatures and packet captures are in-house developed. Integrate vulnerability assessment into existing asset inventories, wherever package URLs and CPE strings are found. VulnCheck is a next-generation platform for cyber threat intelligence. It provides exploit and vulnerability information directly into the tools, processes and systems that are most critical to defeat adversaries. Prioritize vulnerabilities that are important based on the threat environment and defer vulnerabilities which don't.
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