The Caissa Platform
The Caissa Platform, the industry-leading investment platform, was created exclusively for institutional investors, including foundations, OCIOs and pension funds. Our web-based platform is used by clients with assets exceeding $1.7 trillion to perform exposure, risk and liquidity, attribution, as well as private equity modeling analysis across multiple asset classes. Our in-house data team combines any form of transparency data into Caissa Platform. This includes investor letters, separately managed accounts and private equity data. All data is cleansed, synchronized, migrated, then integrated into the platform. You can seamlessly perform exposure analysis, risk, liquidity, and quantitative analysis on either your portfolio or your underlying managers with harmonized exposures.
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FundStudio's real time operations and reporting platform, outsourced managed services, and outsourced managed service provides complete knowledge about fund and managed account conditions. This is useful for hedge fund managers, CTAs and asset managers as well as family offices. Capture orders and trades using realtime FIX, uploads or programmatic API. Allocate orders to accounts, strategies, and more. Implement compliance rules, such as asset-class restrictions or position limits, or complex programmatic rules like leverage bias. Real-time intraday P&L. Multiple views of aggregated or sliced-and diced data can be defined in real-time "pivot table" mode. All cash movements, including trade settlements and margin, coupons, principal, can be managed. You can also run cash projections. Shadow your fund administrator to produce NAV at master-fund level and associated feeder funds.
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AdvisorWare®, a platform that integrates portfolio management, accounting, and partnership accounting, is specifically designed for hedge funds, private equity funds, and funds of funds. It can be used to support alternative investment funds with complex global investment, trading, and management issues, as well as complex financial and tax reporting requirements. You can maximize operational efficiency by using an intuitive system that allows for you to manage all kinds of instruments and corporate actions with complete integrity. Reduce operational risk by using proactive and automated exception handling, workflow management, and reconciliation tools. Completely automate tax allocation and tax reporting for partners.
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Dynamo Software
Dynamo brings the moving pieces that go into smart, successful alternative investment management into one integrated, configurable platform. All of our modules can work together on one technology stack to build one centralized, automated, and comprehensive platform for private equity and venture capital funds, real estate investment firms, infrastructure, hedge funds, endowments, pensions, foundations, prime brokers, fund of funds, family offices, and fund administrators. Dynamo does the heavy lifting and automates repetitive and manual processes with configurable dashboards, workflows, and reports. This way, your team can focus efforts on the human touch and insights that make your firm succeed. Dynamo’s long-tenured Client Services and Support team is committed to delivering excellence and ongoing wins as you embrace the platform for your unique business needs.
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