IP2Location is a leading IP geolocation service provider since 2002. It translates IP address to identify country, region, city, latitude & longitude, ZIP code, time zone, connection speed, ISP, domain name, IDD country code, area code, weather station data, mobile network codes (MNC), mobile country codes (MCC), mobile carrier, elevation, usage type, address type, advertising category, VPN and residential proxies.
IP2Location has been used by thousands of developers to enrich their applications and web sites. It is available as database, API and bulk services.
Please visit our web site for more information.
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The API returns the IP address location (country, region and city, zipcode latitude, longitude, and associated timezone in XML or JSON format. Below are sample code examples for PHP, Javascript Ruby, Python, and ASP. If you use our API for tracking your website visitors' geolocation, we recommend that you store the geolocation data in a cookie or in a database.
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Freegeoip.app offers a free IP geolocation API for software developers. It uses a database that includes IP addresses associated with cities and other relevant information such as time zone, latitude, and longitude. By default, you can make up to 15,000 queries per minute. You can only make up to 15,000 requests per hour. After that, all your requests will result on HTTP 403, which is forbidden until your quota has been cleared. The supported formats are csv and xml. Json and jsonp are also supported. If you don't provide an IP or hostname, your own IP will be looked up.
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ipbase.com has a complete IP geolocation API that is easy to use and offers global coverage. ipbase.com provides companies with IP address information to improve intelligent, data-driven, and programmatic decisions. Our IP geolocation API is suitable for any company size and use case. IP geolocation lookup is a way to identify the geographic location of an IP address in the real world. ASN information can be retrieved for any IP address. This includes ranges, related domains and more. This function returns a list of all domains hosted on a specific IP address. These domains are sorted by host.io's domain ranking. Our IP data lookup is not only easy-to-integrate, but also comes with a suite of REST clients as well as pre-built integrations. We update our dataset continuously through multiple sources to provide the most accurate IP information possible. Our server infrastructure is robust enough to handle millions of API requests per day. We provide industry-leading uptime.
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