Sonic XML Server
Sonic XML Server™, a set that provides high-speed storage, query and processing services for XML documents. This is required to manage Sonic ESB operational information. XML Server processes XML messages natively in XML format. This allows for a very fast processing speed and doesn't place restrictions on the XML messaging schema. Extensible Markup Language, a data format that is hardware and software independent, was a major breakthrough. XML supports flexible data exchange by allowing information to be described independently of a particular system or application data formatting rules. This flexibility can mean that processing XML files can be time-consuming and costly. Sonic XML Server allows for fast processing of operational data as well as storage of XML messages to enable efficient implementation of a service-oriented architecture. Sonic XML Server extends the XML message processing model of Sonic ESB by providing native query storage and processing services.
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InterSystems IRIS
InterSystems IRIS, a cloud-first data platform, is a multi-model transactional database management engine, application development platform, interoperability engine and open analytics platform. InterSystems IRIS offers a variety of APIs that allow you to work with transactional persistent data simultaneously. These include key-value, relational and object, document, and multidimensional. Data can be managed by SQL, Java, node.js, .NET, C++, Python, and native server-side ObjectScript language. InterSystems IRIS features an Interoperability engine as well as modules for building AI solutions. InterSystems IRIS features horizontal scalability (sharding and ECP), and High Availability features such as Business intelligence, transaction support and backup.
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IBM Db2®, a family of hybrid data management tools, offers a complete suite AI-empowered capabilities to help you manage structured and unstructured data both on premises and in private and public clouds. Db2 is built upon an intelligent common SQL engine that allows for flexibility and scalability.
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Amazon RDS
Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), makes it easy to create, manage, and scale a cloud-based relational database. It offers a cost-efficient, resizable storage capacity and automates time-consuming admin tasks like database setup, patching, backups, and hardware provisioning. It allows you to concentrate on your applications, so they can provide the high performance, security, compatibility, and high availability that they require.
Amazon RDS can be used on several database instance types, optimized for memory, performance, or I/O. It offers six familiar database engines to choose, including PostgreSQL and MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle Database and SQL Server. To easily replicate or migrate your existing databases to Amazon RDS, you can use the AWS Database Migration Service.
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