SwissSign Description
SwissSign enables you to make your processes and business transactions even more efficient by allowing customers and employees to sign easily online.
Signature service by SwissSign: The Swiss signature solution from SwissSign offers qualified electronic signatures (QES) which are ZertEs (Swiss Signature Act) and eIDAS compliant as well as advanced (AES) and simple electronic signatures (SES). Moreover, the QES is equivalent to a signature by hand, according to Swiss law (Art. 14 (2)bis of the Swiss Code of Obligations).
The right package, tailored to your needs: SwissID Sign is suitable for private customers, SMEs and large companies. SwissSign offers a Ready-to-Go solution (no integration necessary) and an integration solution (cloud) based on “SwissID Sign”. For companies that require a flexible and confidential solution SwissSign recommends its On-premise solution “Let’s Sign”.
Pricing: New customers receive five free signatures upon activation of the SwissID Sign service (Ready-to-Go solution). The purchase of additional signatures is conveniently done via credit card payment. For pricing information about the Integration and On-premise solutions please get in touch with us.
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Digital Signature Software
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