Signum Trading Signals Description
Signum can predict market dynamics up to 80% accurately. Imagine receiving real-time market data in microseconds. This includes forecasts of price movements and trade concentrations as well as information about hidden liquidity. How much better could you trade? Let us show it. Signum's trading signals Quote Vector and Quote Fuse, which predict the direction and timing for changes in National Best Bid and Offset (NBBO) prices, are Signum's trading signals. Every quote is given an independent probability. This results in more than ten billion signals per daily for US equities. To customize signal performance for each trading strategy, dynamically select accuracy thresholds. Signum's Liquidity Lamp detects hidden order types and illuminates opportunities to trade larger amounts with less slippage. A daily summary of hidden order activity can be found for strategies that have lower turnover and hold periods.
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