RiskValue Description
RiskValue®, with its embedded risk measurement engine, is designed to cover all types and investment strategies, compliance requirements, and geographical mandates. It improves investment management and helps you extract more value from your portfolios. It is flexible and customizable and can be scaled to suit both smaller and larger financial institutions. An initial core engine can be used, and then additional modules can be selected from a wide range of proven solutions. As an option, independent, but seamlessly integrated modules can be activated when the operational need arises.
RiskValue Alternatives
Fusion Invest
Our integrated platform serves the top asset managers, insurance companies and pension funds, hedge funds, family offices and sovereign wealth funds around the world. Fusion Invest, which shares the same core as Fusion Sophis, covers the entire investment value chain. It provides portfolio insight and automated processes with a collaborative investment book of records. Fusion Invest is unique because of its advanced analytics, extensive asset class coverage, open technology, and differentiation. It can be deployed on-premise or in the cloud, depending on your strategic operating model. It offers options for portfolio managers and investors who are responsible for asset allocation, direct investments, and sophisticated derivative hedging strategies. As they create and report the "golden version" of data, the solid, scalable foundation that everyone can trust is essential. All users can contribute to the investment process together with consistent information and analytics.
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Windham Portfolio Advisor
Windham Portfolio Advisor (WPA) is a portfolio optimization and risk management tool that integrates independent, acclaimed research into a variety of applications. Windham Portfolio Advisor makes complex analysis simple and quick. Windham Portfolio Advisor allows users to create portfolios that meet their clients' needs and meet their investment goals. Windham Portfolio Advisor offers users risk management tools that can be used to help them manage complex portfolios.
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DPC Monitor
Get an instant overview of your portfolio, trends, values, and any warnings. Look for the causes of portfolio deviations. You can drill down from the top to individual holdings. Interactive and visual analysis of the portfolio, both historically and now. Examine the allocation, exposure, risk, attribution, and other factors. Follow and collect information about all assets (and liabilities), regardless of type: Equities, Bonds ETFs, PE loans, real estate, precious metals art, derivatives, etc. Define one or more portfolios with the desired structures (aggregates). Consolidate and aggregate all assets (and liabilities), from all sources, depots, trustees. Incorporate investment policy and rules into this tool. Define exposure limits and allocation. Define the benchmarks and goals that will be applied at different levels of the portfolio.
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Set up asset allocation rules to ensure that your portfolio runs as planned. Adjust investment portfolios to reflect the total risk and individual asset risk levels. Optimize portfolio asset allocations based on risk and risk-adjusted returns metrics. Reduce your infrastructure costs to zero. Portfolio managers can quickly initiate and scale up immediately. All this while keeping overhead costs low. Maintenance and updates are automated. You can manage your portfolio management with less headaches and more power. Without warning, risks can occur. To keep your portfolios under control, you need to use a systematic risk management strategy. The risk engine provides automatic updates on the dollar amount at risk. Portfolio managers can monitor portfolio volatility, asset price risks and other factors on the dashboard instead of trying to approximate risks. Our capital management software is designed with your clients in view.
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RiskValue Features and Options
Investment Management Software
Accounting Management
Bonds / Stocks
Client Management
Compliance Reporting
Data Import / Export
For Investment Advisors
For Investors & Traders
Fund Management
Modeling & Simulation
Payroll & Commissions
Performance Metrics
Portfolio Management
Risk Management
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