Retirement Plan Software Description

ASC has been providing innovative and cost-effective retirement plan systems to help you remain competitive in this complex industry since 1981. All systems are designed and supported by retirement industry professionals who know your needs. The systems can share data through automated integration, ensuring maximum efficiency and profitability. In addition to our in-house installations, we offer Cloud Platforms. Our systems use the most recent technology to create and manage your documents more efficiently than ever before. This allows you to focus more on your clients, your goals, and the growth and development of your business. ASC offers software, documents, training, support, and documentation for TPAs, retirement plan professionals, as well as support. We can create unlimited plans, making us a viable option for both large and small companies. An ASC system is used by approximately 50% of all 401 (k) participant accounts.


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Actuarial Systems
Year Founded:
United States


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Product Details

Type of Training
Live Online
In Person
Customer Support
Phone Support

Retirement Plan Software Features and Options

Benefits Administration Software

COBRA Administration
Claims Management
Deduction Management
Disability Insurance Administration
Employee Benefits Administration
FMLA Administration
FSA Administration
Flexible Spending Accounts
For Brokers
For Employers
HIPAA Compliant
Health Insurance Administration
Life Insurance Administration
Online Benefits Enrollment
Premium Billing
Provider Management
Retiree Administration
Retirement Plan Management

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