Find and manage the most relevant and promising technologies, innovations, growth businesses and startups. The search results are highly accurate thanks to the extensive and always-up-to-date database of 2.5M+ tech & innovation companies. No more outdated profiles, no random googling and no "out-of business" companies. Never miss out on innovative tech companies or businesses that could impact your business. Our AI-powered tool suggests a list based on your search criteria. No more cluttered Excels or dozens of tools to communicate with your team and manage your deal flow. Manage your pipeline, tasks and shared material in one place. Share materials, assign tasks and action steps to your colleagues, and send interesting case profiles by email.
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Secuvy AI
Secuvy, a next-generation cloud platform, automates data security, privacy compliance, and governance via AI-driven workflows. Unstructured data is treated with the best data intelligence. Secuvy, a next-generation cloud platform that automates data security, privacy compliance, and governance via AI-driven workflows is called Secuvy. Unstructured data is treated with the best data intelligence. Automated data discovery, customizable subjects access requests, user validations and data maps & workflows to comply with privacy regulations such as the ccpa or gdpr. Data intelligence is used to locate sensitive and private information in multiple data stores, both in motion and at rest. Our mission is to assist organizations in protecting their brand, automating processes, and improving customer trust in a world that is rapidly changing. We want to reduce human effort, costs and errors in handling sensitive data.
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Speechmatics is the most accurate and inclusive speech-to-text API ever released.
Speechmatics is the world’s leading expert in Speech Technology, combining the latest breakthroughs in AI and ML to unlock the business value in human speech.
Businesses use Speechmatics worldwide to accurately understand and transcribe human-level speech into text regardless of demographic, age, gender, accent, dialect, or location in real-time and on recorded media. Combining these transcripts with the latest AI-driven speech capabilities, businesses build products that utilize summarization, topic detection, sentiment analysis, translation, and more.
How is Speechmatics different?
* The most accurate speech recognition on the market
* 55 languages with vast accent and dialect coverage
* Cloud-based or on-premises deployment options for data security
* Real-time transcription with low latency and high accuracy
* Real-time translation with 69 language pairs
* Speech Understanding features such as Summaries, Sentiment, Topic Detection, Chapters, Audio Events
* Fast and secure transcriptions for pre-recorded audio
* Automatic translation and language identification
* A culture of R&D in deep learning and speech recognition
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Hitachi Content Intelligence
Intelligent data discovery and transformation increases productivity by quickly revealing insights to make your business more efficient. This solution framework provides a robust framework for comprehensive discovery, fast exploration, and rapid exploration of your critical business data. Hitachi Content Intelligence maximizes the data value of your business data, whether it is on-premises, off-premises, in the cloud, or structured. Reduce industry data sprawl and growth, and find the data you need easily. To ensure your business is informed, enrich your data. Using robust searches, you can combine data from all sources and uncover new insights.
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