Reporting 21 Description

Reporting 21 helps you accelerate your journey to sustainability with its innovative SaaS solutions, expert advisory services, and other great features. You can create your own environmental, governance, and social KPIs. Flexibility allows you to choose how to work with us. We can help you, whether you need off-the-shelf or custom software built to your specifications. To sync your data, connect to the API read/write quickly. You can also receive a daily output for manual upload, depending on your preference. Some of our clients are just starting their ESG journey while others have established metrics. Our platform is flexible and allows us to create a customized experience that meets your needs. We offer expert advisory as well as SaaS. Accessible to all stakeholders via SaaS, no need for spreadsheets. Each customer has their own platform, hosted in its own environment and fully secure. Frameworks can be customized for clients who have their own metrics.


Yes, Reporting 21 has an API



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Reporting 21
United States


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Reporting 21 Features and Options

ESG Software

Activity Dashboard
Audit Management
Compliance Management
Data Visualization
Document Management
Performance Metrics
Risk Assessment

Sustainability Software

Audit Management
Compliance Management
Corrective Actions (CAPA)
Emissions Management
Employee Training
Energy Management
Incident Management
Performance Metrics
Stakeholder Engagement
Supplier Management
Waste Management

Environmental Software

Air Management
Compliance Management
Document Management
Emissions Inventory
Hazardous Materials Control
Sustainability Management
Training Management
Waste Management
Water Management

Emissions Management Software

Allowance Management
Automatic CO2 Calculation
Emission Inventory
Emission Reduction Planning
Emissions Monitoring
Emissions Trading
Frequency-Based Tasks
Permit Level Maintenance
Risk Management

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