RSK Description

The Bitcoin Network has made RSK the most secure smart contract Blockchain. Bitcoin is the best DeFi opportunity. It is fully enabled on RSK - the most secure smart contract platform worldwide. Bitcoin users can now lend, borrow, trade, and earn interest on their Bitcoin. Financial decentralization is the future of finance. RSK is the best contract platform in the entire world. RSK's Contracts mission is to increase the value and functionality of the bitcoin Contracts ecosystem through smart contracts, near instant Contracts payment, and greater scalability. RSK Blockchain is connected with Bitcoin via Merged Contracts Mining, the two-way peg, also known as the bridge. RIF is built on top of RSK and aims to provide the foundations for a fully decentralized internet that can enable Decentralized Sharing Economys. It will empower and protect individuals' value through identity, payments and storage.




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