Publisher Rest Description
Publisher Rest APP is designed for Affiliate Networks publishers. All of your affiliate commission data will be available on your smartphone. Connect across multiple Affiliate Networks to save time and effort. You can access your revenue data from any device, anytime. Support 10+ Affiliate Networks and the list is growing day after day, friendly reports, review all your earnings by networks/merchant/date, fast access to affiliate networks data, support server and client data collection, all your data are confidential, encrypted. All data will be deleted if you decide to delete your account.
Publisher Rest Alternatives
Our premium affiliate network will help you grow your business. Our global publisher network is extensive and growing. Choose the best-selling software titles that are compatible with your content to drive web traffic and increase brand awareness. Increase online software sales and revenue for award-winning merchants to make more money. Access detailed reports on your activity, including clicks, sales and conversion rates, earnings per Click, refunds, and earnings per click. Export sales orders via APIs. We have the tools to facilitate your partnerships. You can use a geo-targeted shopping Cart to increase your conversion rate when tapping new markets. You can easily generate data-feeds that are automatically updated every day and include all information. This will reduce your workload.
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Offerit is an affiliate network platform that can be used by any internet-based business. Our platform combines powerful features with real-time reporting and unsurpassed 24/7 support. Our industry-leading load-balanced web hosting solution hosts your Offerit-based affiliate network. As you grow, you can rest assured that your network will be available and scaled to meet your needs. To launch your affiliate network on Offerit, you don't need a computer science degree. Our web-based admin makes it easy to set up and configure all aspects of your affiliate network. No programming knowledge is required. Offerit excels in statistics. Our web 2.0 interface makes it easy for you and your affiliates analyze data in depth and broad ways to maximize your network's earning potential. Support is available 24/7 via our support ticket system, telephone or instant messenger.
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RevGlue makes affiliate marketing easy with its free website tools and structured data. Online publishers can easily monetise social media followers, blogs and mobile apps, as well as their websites and websites. RevGlue's tech team can be hired to assist you with your global bespoke affiliate projects.
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Income Access
Income Access offers marketing technology and a complete suite of digital marketing services for the iGaming, crypto, forex and lottery industries. Our mission is to assist companies and affiliates in these industries in building long-term, profitable and sustainable business relationships.
Income Access has been a partner with more than 300 brands since 2002 and has connected with over 25.000 key publishers and affiliates. Our own affiliate marketing software is used and we offer digital marketing services to our partners. This helps them increase customer acquisition, get more exposure for their brand, and maximize revenues. Income Access is a software company, affiliate network, and marketing agency all in one.
To learn more, contact one of our industry experts today!
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