ScriptSure Cloud ERX is the #1 E-Prescribing application available. ScriptSure combines weekly updates to medications, daily updates to pharmacy lists, full e-prescribing network connectivity, Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS), web-based access and simple workflow methods to deliver the best in E-Prescribing. Electronic refills, order sets, compound medication order, printing prescriptions, patient reports and audit logs are all included and supported in ScriptSure Cloud ERX. ScriptSure is fully HIPAA compliant. ScriptSure Cloud ERX is the winner of the 2021, 2022 & 2023 Surescripts network White Coat Award for Most Accurate Prescriptions and a total 11-time award winner of this prestigious award.
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An estimated 66% missing information in the nation's largest drug history database is missing critical sig information. This can put your patients at risk for adverse drug events or worse. It doesn't have be this way. SmartSigSM from DrFirst fills in the information gaps caused by missing sig data quickly and efficiently. SmartSigSM is based on SmartStrings' robust predictive data which automatically identifies the most frequently prescribed medications. SmartSig intelligently interprets text data and safely infers missing components. SmartSig uses statistics and clinical analytics to create a real-time translation with just one click. This vital interoperability tool is easy to use and compatible with most electronic records. It saves you time and improves patient safety.
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AZZLY Rize is the premier clinical and business platform for addiction treatment and mental health organizations. As a modern technology platform, AZZLY Rize is a system that can scale with you. Use as little or as many of the features and functions available based on your program and staff needs. Key features for OUTPATIENT Programs include e-check-in, scheduling, appointment reminder, Zoom telehealth, treatment plans, progress notes, assessments and surveys. For RESIDENTIAL Programs: census, medication management, bed board, withdrawal management, DrFirst e-prescribing, EPCS, PDMP and labs. For all Programs: alerts, patient engagement, 5 star implementation and support services, and seamless electronic billing and claims submission. As a true all-in-one platform, we empower treatment centers to take control of their compliance and revenue cycle management and reporting requirements. As a purpose-built tool for mental health and substance use disorder programs, we offer a flexible pricing plan to replace dated technology. Use our compliant Master Library of Forms or we configure your documentation forms to match what you use today. Hosted in Microsoft Azure Private Cloud Network for added security and HIPAA privacy.
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DxScript®, a Surescripts™, EPCS certified, HIPAA-compliant, cloud-based, ePrescribing system that allows providers to access formulary information, eligibility for pharmacy benefits plans, and insurance information at the point where they are prescribing, is HIPAA compliant. We have a database that includes the most recent FDA and DEA-approved medications, as well as all pharmacies that can eFax or EDI. Our electronic PDR gives our users real-time drug-to-drug and drug-to-allergy alerts at point-of-care. DxScript®, which can also suggest alternative drugs in the case of an allergy or contraindication to a particular drug, is available. No proprietary software or hardware is required. All training and setup is done by professional Customer Care Engineers at NO CHARGE to the provider(s).
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