Minswap, a multi-pool decentralized cardano exchange, is available. Swap tokens at minimal cost, minimal time, and maximum convenience. There is no allocation of VC or private investment. MIN tokens are fairly distributed to members of the community, with 21.5% allocated to core team and development fund. Liquidity providers who stake their liquidity pool tokens receive MIN tokens. It is your key. Participating in the market without ever having to leave your wallet. Supporting new projects within the Cardano ecosystem through Initial DEX Offerings (IDO) or Initial Farm Offerings (IFO). Anyone can list tokens without permission. Tokens can be traded by anyone without KYC. All trading fees go directly towards liquidity providers. The MIN token holder can vote democratically on any protocol changes. Users can trade Ethereum tokens for much lower fees with ERC-20 Converter. Minswap supports SPOs through a community-oriented ADA delegation policy and Fair Initial Stake Offering.
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Solanium is the platform of choice for the Solana Blockchain. You can invest in the most exciting Solana projects, stake tokens, trade on our DEX and manage your Solana account. We have increased liquidity on Raydium, and the SLIM token can now be traded through the swapping interface. Solanium is the platform of choice for the Solana Blockchain. Participate in top-tier public raises, stake your tokens, trade with our DEX, and be part of our active, growing community. To receive xSLIM, you can stake your SLIM and SLIM-LP tokens. xSLIM allows you to receive fee distribution and airdrops, unique benefits (depending upon your Tier), governance votes and many other benefits. Our staking mechanism combines your token staked with your lock time to create fair launchpads.
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Cardano is the next-gen DEX! In seconds, you can swap, bridge and trade between Cardano-based tokens or stable coins. We aim to be the first DEX that is based on Cardano. Our goal is to create tools for creators as well as users. We also aim to bring high-yield stake pools and NFT content through launchpads, marketplaces, and to provide tools for users and creators. Cardano's most popular exchange platform is now available to you. Cardano network charges low fees. Staking rewards for ASW token holders. Exclusive airdrops of Cardano tokens Secure transactions via the largest PoS Blockchain. Instant swaps and liquidity. DAO governance using ASW tokens Cardano's most popular exchange platform is now available to you! Join us in our mission to revolutionize Cardano's NFT ecosystem. We will provide new tech that is superior to Cardano, and art that you won’t find anywhere else.
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Solster ecosystem's first DeFi product, IDO Launchpad for Solana Projects, offers guaranteed token allocation to participants, auto token claim program, decentralized KYC, and decentralized token allocation. Solster Finance is an ecosystem that allows investors to diversify their Decentralized Finances (DeFi). Solster ecosystem includes IDO Launchpad For Solana Projects, a decentralized exchange (DEX), for crypto trading, token swaps, token staking and token vesting, as well as a lottery platform. Our main focus is on improving the user experience. Advanced Launchpad functionality, token sale flow, DEX trading windows design, transparent and distributed lottery platform based upon legacy, pooled giveaway and subscription models. With a customer support system. We want to create a DeFi community that is high quality and explore the DeFi ecosystem through Solana. Solster, Serum, and Bonfida, built on the Solana Blockchain, can make decentralized finance accessible, fair, and fast for everyone.
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