What Integrates with NovaBACKUP for Servers?
Find out what NovaBACKUP for Servers integrations exist in 2024. Learn what software and services currently integrate with NovaBACKUP for Servers, and sort them by reviews, cost, features, and more. Below is a list of products that NovaBACKUP for Servers currently integrates with:
Microsoft Exchange
6 RatingsBusiness-class email and calendaring make it easier to work smarter. Exchange allows you to collaborate on critical documents and gives an organized inbox that prioritizes important messages. It adapts to your work style and adapts to your needs so you can get more done faster. Access to a personalized inbox with helpful features, a smarter way to view and interact via email and a smarter way to organize it. Search enhancements provide faster and more complete results. Add-ins allow for powerful customization and extensibility that connects you to modern services as well as internal line-of business applications. A calendaring system that does more than just schedule appointments and make commitments will help you organize your time. Automatically capture events such as hotel reservations and flights from email. Get suggestions based on where you are located about where to meet. Microsoft 365 offers many benefits that can help you and your company be more productive. -
VMware ESXi
A robust, bare-metal virtual hypervisor that can be installed directly on your server. VMware ESXi partitions hardware to consolidate apps and reduce costs. It is the industry standard for efficient architecture and has set the benchmark for reliability, performance, support, and support. IT teams are constantly under pressure to keep up with changing market trends and customer demands. They also have to stretch IT resources to support increasingly complex projects. ESXi balances the need for better business outcomes with IT savings. VMware ESXi enables you to: - Consolidate hardware to increase capacity utilization - Gain a competitive edge by increasing performance - Centralized management streamlines IT administration Reduce CapEx and OpEx - Reduce hardware resources required to run the hypervisor. This will result in greater efficiency. -
Microsoft Hyper-V
Microsoft's virtualization product Hyper-V is Hyper-V. You can create and run a virtual machine, which is a software version that runs on a computer. Virtual machines can be used as complete computers, running an operating system and other programs. Virtual machines are more flexible than traditional computers and can be used to run multiple operating systems on hardware.
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