Ethyca will handle all CCPA and GDPR tasks. Ethyca gives you a birds-eye view of your business's data supply chain, saving you and your team hours. Ethyca makes subject access, edit, and erasure requests easy or, if you prefer, virtually impossible. Automate the return all user data that has been processed by Ethyca upon request. Ethyca's ability retrieve individual attributes allows Subjects to automate the process of rectifying and selecting their data records. Ethyca can process all "do NOT sell my data" requests and automate compliance with CCPA. You could spend your time in the office trying to update consent preferences. You could also use Ethyca. Ethyca links cookie consent with processing activities for each user’s personal data record. Ethyca provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to manage their consent.
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Secuvy AI
Secuvy, a next-generation cloud platform, automates data security, privacy compliance, and governance via AI-driven workflows. Unstructured data is treated with the best data intelligence. Secuvy, a next-generation cloud platform that automates data security, privacy compliance, and governance via AI-driven workflows is called Secuvy. Unstructured data is treated with the best data intelligence. Automated data discovery, customizable subjects access requests, user validations and data maps & workflows to comply with privacy regulations such as the ccpa or gdpr. Data intelligence is used to locate sensitive and private information in multiple data stores, both in motion and at rest. Our mission is to assist organizations in protecting their brand, automating processes, and improving customer trust in a world that is rapidly changing. We want to reduce human effort, costs and errors in handling sensitive data.
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Proteus NextGen Data Privacy
Proteus NextGen Data Privacy software gives DPOs, Privacy Teams and Legal Teams the data privacy management tools they need to manage GDPR compliance, CCPA Compliance or any other data privacy compliance program, efficiently and effectively.
Proteus NextGen was designed for enterprises that use current, secure technologies. It is often considered the most flexible and comprehensive data privacy software available. You will find everything you need, including privacy impact assessments, DPIAs and transfer impacts assessments, data mapping, reporting (eg Record of Processing Activity reports), subject access request management, breach notification management, vendor management, risk assessment, risk assessment, and automated SCC generation to help Schrems II compliance. We offer training and consulting to help you get up and running quickly. Our goal is customer satisfaction. Visit our website to request a demonstration
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PrivIQ is a complete platform for data governance and privacy. We cover 8 data protection regulations that make up 23% of the global economy.
PrivIQ, a cloud-hosted compliance software, helps you comply with all data protection regulations. We made it easy for you to manage your compliance journey, track the status, and edit reports. PrivIQ is the software that you need to prove compliance. It can be used to appoint a DPO, manage subject access requests and handle data breaches.
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