SLICEplus is about efficiency in the Green Industry. We have tools that combine our industry experience and expertise to streamline your operations, improve labor management, and increase profitability. SLICEplus software is a tool for landscape contracting. It allows you to manage a project from conception through completion. This makes everyone in the company more productive, from estimating a project to controlling the flow and other resources on the job to managing the contract and billing the client for the work to the final costing of the job. SLICEplus software is perfect for wholesale nurseries. It can provide information such as product quantities, pricing, financial information and order status. You can instantly see what stock is being sold and what is still available.
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Rapid Garden POS
Rapid Garden POS software and hardware is a complete point-of-sale (POS) solution. Rapid Garden POS is designed for greenhouses, garden centers, and nurseries. It includes barcode management, printing, inventory management (bulk purchase, mix and match flats tracking dead count, and combo products for baskets or planters), and landscaping services (installation and delivery, recycling, billing, design services, etc. ), labor management (time tracking), reporting and loyalty programs, eCommerce gift cards, invoicing, design services, etc.
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Plantstep Flower Software
Step into Flower Software. Track your daylilies and lillies, hostas as well as roses, irisies perennials, trees & bushes, wildflowers, herbs, and vegetables. You can add multiple photos for each of the flowers. Slideshow your favorite photos. With just a click, you can access over 87,000 daylilies. The New Iris database contains almost 46,000 records and automatically inserts the description. View and print all sections of the reports. Print a garden map for your daylilies. Compare daylilies in full-color and match them! Keep track of your seedlings by creating your pollination crosses. You can share your favorite website links to Flower software users. Other features include favorites slide show, fertilizer schedule and photo album, as well as ToDo List.
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AA – SQL is your online green industry accounting and business software for Nursery, Greenhouse, Garden Center, Landscape, Landscape Maintenance, and related businesses. ActiveApplications-Hosted is a Microsoft SQL database and UDS highly customizable drag-and-drop accounting software that provides the backbone for your company's information technology software. AA – Hosted is the integrated software to manage all aspects of your green-industry company. This software is ideal for managing a variety of businesses, such as a landscape contractor and a garden center. It is the same software, but it has been designed to work with different divisions. SQL is the right tool for you if you own a landscape maintenance business that requires a work control program and also have a wholesale nursery, greenhouse, or nursery.
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