Big Data Quality must always be verified to ensure that data is safe, accurate, and complete. Data is moved through multiple IT platforms or stored in Data Lakes. The Big Data Challenge: Data often loses its trustworthiness because of (i) Undiscovered errors in incoming data (iii). Multiple data sources that get out-of-synchrony over time (iii). Structural changes to data in downstream processes not expected downstream and (iv) multiple IT platforms (Hadoop DW, Cloud). Unexpected errors can occur when data moves between systems, such as from a Data Warehouse to a Hadoop environment, NoSQL database, or the Cloud. Data can change unexpectedly due to poor processes, ad-hoc data policies, poor data storage and control, and lack of control over certain data sources (e.g., external providers). DataBuck is an autonomous, self-learning, Big Data Quality validation tool and Data Matching tool.
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DataMatch Enterprise™, a highly visual data cleansing tool, is specifically designed to address customer and contact data quality problems. The platform uses a variety of proprietary and standard algorithms to identify phonetic and domain-specific variations. You can create scalable configurations that allow for deduplication, record linkage, suppression enhancement, extraction, standardization, standardization, and standardization of customer and business data. This will maximize the impact of your data throughout the enterprise.
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File Archiving Solution for Servers and Network Storage Systems that allows you to use any device as second-tier storage.
ArchiverFS is small in footprint and supports cloud, DFS replication, de-duplication and compression. ArchiverFS can be used on any NAS, SAN, or cloud platform to store your old unstructured files. You can share it to the network using a UNC path, and format it with NTF. We do not use a database to store files, pointers or file metadata. ArchiverFS uses NTFS pure and simple from start to finish.
ArchiverFS allows you to move your old files on-mass from your primary first tier storage storage to secondary storage while keeping all file attributes, permissions, and directory structures.
You can leave behind a selection of links to replace files that have been deleted, including seamless symbolic links that behave and look exactly like the original file.
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Syniti Data Matching
Syniti's data match solutions will help you build a more connected company, drive growth, or leverage new technologies at scale. No matter what data source or shape, our matching software matches, unifies, unifies and harmonizes data using proprietary algorithms. Syniti's matching software is innovative in data quality and empowers data-driven businesses. You will be able to accelerate data harmonization by 90%, and save 75% on de-duplication during your journey to SAP S/4HANA. With performance-ready processing and ready-to-go solutions that don’t require clean data, you can perform deduplication, matching, or lookup on billions upon billions of records in just 5 minutes. AI, proprietary algorithms, steep customization, and high-quality matches maximize matches across complex datasets, and minimize false positives.
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