AVEVA E3D Design
AVEVA E3D Design, the world's most advanced 3D design tool for power, marine, and process plants is the best. It allows powerful visualization, clash-free, multidisciplinary 3D design and generates precise drawings and reports to reduce timescales, costs, and commercial risks for both brownfield and greenfield capital projects. AVEVA E3D Design provides a class-leading productivity and capabilities, while remaining seamless compatible with other AVEVA Engineering and Design options, including AVEVA Unified Engineering. Access our secure cloud platform AVEVA™. Connect. Easily deploy in days or weeks, and then compile data to create an engineering digital twin online as you work. AVEVA E3D Design is quick to deploy and can be configured to meet specific project or company requirements in any industry, whether it's for the marine market or industrial plant.
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Ansys Motor-CAD
Ansys MotorCAD is a dedicated tool for electric machine design. It allows you to quickly simulate multiphysics across the entire torque-speed operating range. Motor-CAD allows engineers to evaluate motor topologies across the entire operating range. This allows them to create designs that are optimized for size, efficiency, and performance. Motor-CAD software's four modules, Emag, Therm Lab, Mech, allow multiphysics calculations to be performed quickly, iteratively, and users can move from concept to final design in a shorter time. Motor-CAD users can explore more motor topologies and fully evaluate the impact of advanced loss effects during the initial stages of an electrical mechanical design with Motor-CAD's streamlined data input process. This release features powerful new features for design optimization and multi-physics analysis, as well as system modeling for electric motors. Multiphysics simulations are fast across the entire torque-speed range.
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DC-E DigitalClone for Engineering
DigitalClone®, for Engineering is the only software that integrates multiple scales of analysis into a single package. It is the world's best gearbox reliability prediction tool. DC-E, in addition to the modeling and analysis capabilities at the level of the gearbox and the gear/bearing, is the only software that models fatigue life using detailed, physics-based models (US Patent 10474772B2).
DC-E allows the construction of a digital twin of a gearbox. This includes all stages of the asset's lifecycle, from design and manufacturing optimization to supplier selection to failure root cause analysis to condition based maintenance and prognostics. This computational environment reduces the time and cost of bringing new designs to market and maintaining them over time.
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Your designs can be tested under real-world conditions to improve product quality and reduce prototyping and testing costs. SOLIDWORKS®, Simulation is a simple-to-use suite of structural analysis tools that uses Finite Element Analysis to predict a product’s real-world physical behavior. This can be done by virtually testing CAD models. The portfolio offers dynamic, static, and linear analysis capabilities. SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional allows you to optimize your design, determine product mechanical resist, product durability, and test heat transfer instabilities and buckling instabilities. It can also perform multi-physics sequential simulations. SOLIDWORKS Simulator Premium allows you to efficiently evaluate your designs for dynamic response, nonlinear, and composite materials. SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium offers three advanced studies: Nonlinear Dynamic, Linear Dynamics, and Non-Linear Static.
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