X-Fonter, a font manager that is specifically designed for web designers, graphic artists and font lovers, is a powerful tool. You can quickly find the font you need with a simple interface. X-Fonter makes it easy to find the font you need, even if you have thousands of fonts stored on your computer. Get X-Fonter's free trial version now. X-Fonter covers everything you need to know about fonts. This program's main function is to manage your fonts (install/uninstall, load/unload, compare, preview). X-Fonter supports all fonts (TrueType and OpenType, Postscript Type 1, Raster and Vector). The intuitive and user-friendly interface is what really makes this product stand out. X-Fonter is easy to use, no matter if you are a beginner or a professional. X-Fonter makes it easy to find the right font. You can make your own color schemes and create your preview text.
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Font Wrangler
Windows' support for TrueType fonts is not as good as its management capabilities. Windows users won't have any trouble keeping track the few fonts that come with Windows. However, there are many other fonts available. It will be difficult to keep track of hundreds of fonts in Windows if you have multiple. Installing new fonts is like trying to manage live polecats in dark rooms after midnight. It is even more exciting to remember what all your fonts look like. Font Wrangler should have been included with Windows. It is a font manager that you need to use. It allows you to download TrueType fonts and preview them before installing them. You can also view font copyright information, change font names to resolve naming conflicts, and print font "contact sheets".
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FontSuit for Windows is a powerful font management tool that allows you to organize and save fonts quickly, download fonts when you need them, preview fonts and print font samples. FontSuit Lite can be downloaded for free. FontSuit Lite supports all fonts (TrueType and OpenType), and allows you to create font sets by dragging-and-drop. You can organize your fonts by job, font types, or any other way that suits you. Double-clicking font names allows you to install or uninstall fonts quickly and easily. Font status is indicated by icons. Preview fonts can be activated even if they are not active. There are four types of preview samples. You can also easily alter the font size and text preview. To compare fonts, you can preview multiple fonts. Filter fonts by style, status, or format. Support WYSIWYG print preview. Print font sample sheet and fonts catalog. This free edition does not support Opentype and Postscript fonts.
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Typograf is a top-class font manager. All OpenType, TrueType and PostScript Type 1 fonts are available for preview. All font properties are displayed (typeface classification, kerning pair, designer, copyright), view characters set, keyboard layout, zoom view, and zoom view. Compares fonts and displays them in different ways. Also manages fonts in sets, databases, and networks. Envato Elements gives unlimited access to over 1,500,000 graphics, stock photos and professional fonts. Display all OpenType and TrueType fonts on any drives, folders, or subfolders. Sort fonts viewed by name, file, family and copyright. Tables that display major font features, file data and character width, as well as a variety of kerning pairings, allow you to compare different fonts. To load fonts, group them into Sets for a project or client. Allow users to create, edit, or load font sets through Windows' user management.
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