GNOME Terminal
Terminal is a terminal emulator that allows you to access a UNIX shell environment and run programs on your system. Terminal supports escape sequences to control cursor position, colors, and more. A terminal is a point of input for text in a computer. It is also known as the Command Line Interface, or CLI. The IBM 3270, VT100, and many other hardware terminals are no longer made as physical devices. Terminal emulators are available to emulate these terminals. A command is any input that is entered into the Terminal to be executed. You can execute both graphical user interface (GUI), and command line programs from the terminal. Terminal is a good option if you have a program that terminates abruptly and without warning or error. This will allow the program's debugging messages and errors to be output to the Terminal window. This information is useful when you file a bug report.
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Tera Term
Tera Term, a terminal emulator for Microsoft Windows, supports serial port, telnet, and SSH connections. It also includes Macro scripting language, among other features. Tera Term can be used to automate remote connections from a PC. Tera Term (a free software terminal emulator) supports serial port connections, TCP/IP connections (telnet, SSH1, SSH2) connections and log replaying. It also supports IPv6 communication. It supports VT100 emulation as well as selected VT200/300 emulations, TEK4010 emulations, file transfer protocols (Kermit and XMODEM), YMODEM and ZMODEM. Quick-VAN and B-PLUS, and scripts written in the "Tera Term Language". It supports Japanese, English and Russian characters, UTF-8 character codes, UTF-8 character encoders, and message catalog (in Japanese and English), French, Russian and Korean.
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Mac Terminal
Profiles allow you to identify the correct terminal window by using unique background colors and titles. You can use the profiles that Terminal provides or create your own profiles. You can quickly navigate through the large output of the terminal window by adding bookmarks and markup as you work. The inspector can be used to view and manage active processes and to change the background and titles of windows. Profiles allow you to change the colors, font, cursor style, background and other elements of Terminal windows. A profile is a collection that defines the style and behavior of a terminal window. Terminal comes pre-configured with some profiles, but you can also create your own profiles. You can change the settings for terminal type (terminfo), prompt behavior, input, and international encoders. Modify settings for the function keys, the option key and the alternate display.
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This kitty is for power keyboard users. All its controls can be used with the keyboard, although it also supports mouse interactions. Its configuration is simple and easily editable by humans. I prefer to store configuration in source control. The code in kitty was designed to be modular, easy-to-use, and hackable. It is written in a mixture of C (for performance sensitive parts), and Python (for easy hackability). It doesn't depend on any complicated UI toolkit and uses only OpenGL to render everything. Lastly, kitty was designed from the ground up in order to support all modern terminal features such as unicode and true color, bold/italic fonts and text formatting. It extends existing text formatting escape code support to add support for additional features such as colored and styled underlines. Kitty's design goal is to be extensible so that future features can be added.
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