Journal Finder
Journal Finder®, your complete A-Z List and Link Resolver, as well as an ERM solution, is Journal Finder®. Library users will have easy access to your electronic content via a simple, user-friendly interface. Created by librarians, for library patrons! Journal Finder was created by staff from the University of North Carolina – Greensboro in 2000. It was the first OpenURL Link Resolver in production in the United States. Journal Finder was purchased by WT Cox in 2008. Access all your journals from one place. Multiple ways to access titles (electronic and print, ILL, and document delivery). Automatically updated list content. WT Cox hosts your site -- no server headaches. Fully customizable to complement your library's website. Management reports. Simple administration for maintaining content. All e-resources require basic ERM tools. You can link from one citation in a commercial database to the library catalogue or to the full text article in another database.
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Online Public Access Catalogue (Students have access to digital library, journals, books, reserve, renew, check out, and participate in feedback. Physical Library (includes all modules of requisition and acquisition, cataloguing membership, circulation, periodicals reports, statistics, visitor administration etc. Digital Library (manage digital subscriptions and eBooks, institutional repository). Access to partner libraries, your publications, and access to other resources. Student Communication (kiosk management and selective dissemination of information), Current Awareness Service, Mass Communication and Surveys, Current Awareness Service, Mass Communication, Surveys, etc. Id Card Design and Printing, barcode printing directly on the software on A4 size papers. Customized software is also available for printing on special printers. Display dashboards according to guidelines from NAAC and NBA, NBA, AICTE and NMC (MCI), and other bodies. You can also create your own dashboards such as Balanced Scorecards, Balanced Scorecards, etc.
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Mindmill Library and Document Management System
Mindmill Library and its document management system are an elegant and sophisticated library management solution. They can be used for all types of libraries, including legal, medical, and special libraries. The solution can be used by universities, colleges, schools, charities, universities, and other resource centres to automate and manage library assets. Mindmill library. The library can manage their catalogue circulation and track the history of the resource and the user. This document management solution can manage both print and nonprint material. This software is also equipped with barcode scanning and user-level security. Scan the barcode or user card to issue a book. Standardized reports are available on book vendor, book issue status, physical status, and more. Display the user information, including a photograph, at the time of issue. Help the user and staff locate the book easily. Track new arrivals and reserve a book in advance.
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WorldShare Management Services
WMS is a cloud-based library management platform. It supports your strategic priorities and provides actionable data. The user experience is designed with them in mind. With WMS, you can save time and money by combining the management of electronic and physical resources into one integrated solution. WMS provides a powerful user interface that allows you to search across all databases and the entire collection, view item availability, place hold, review accounts, renew items, as well as review accounts. WMS uses WorldCat®, the foundation, to connect users to unmatched global resources via OCLC's vast network of libraries. WMS group functionality goes beyond sharing resources. Users can search for and request items in your library or group without having to change interfaces. Sharing holds allows for faster fulfillment and visibility into patron files. This is all without compromising local control over circulation policies and practices.
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