NGC Andromeda
The Digital Supply Chain is enabled by the Andromeda cloud platform. The entire global enterprise must respond to current consumer buying patterns in order to be successful. Andromeda is the latest technology for global enterprise. It is available in a variety SaaS and private clouds options. Andromeda combines data from all corporate departments as well as third-party providers of goods or services into one source, from merchandise planning to sale to the end consumer. Andromeda supports Just-In-Time production, postponement and reserved capacity, direct-to-store shipping, and material commitments with drawdowns. All processes are simplified by exception alerts, critical path management, and user collaboration to improve Lead Time Optimization and Speed to Market. Everyone in a Digital Supply Chain has the same goal: If a product sells, get more of it quickly; if it doesn't, get out of it quickly.
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Delogue PLM
Delogue PLM, a cloud-based PLM system, assists apparel, footwear and accessory brands in their product development processes.
Delogue PLM assists brands in increasing productivity, reducing product development time, and improving margins through streamlining processes. Delogue PLM is a single source for truth in product development, allowing transparency and traceability.
It is intuitive and user-friendly. The web and mobile apps make it accessible from anywhere, anytime. It offers a simple, single source of truth collaborative approach to line planning and global sourcing.
Delogue PLM allows for a single point data entry, making it easy to quickly deliver product and marketing data into ERP, PIM, and B2B order system. The solution is easy to implement and integrates into ERP, PIM, and B2B systems.
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Centric PLM
Centric Software, based in Silicon Valley, provides a Digital Transformation Platform to the most prestigious brands in fashion, retail and footwear, luxury, outdoors and consumer goods, including cosmetics, beauty and food.
Centric 8 is the flagship Product Lifecycle Management platform (PLM), which provides enterprise-class merchandise planning, product design, sourcing, quality, and collection management functionality for fast-moving consumer industries.
Centric Software is majority-owned and controlled by Dassault Systemes, Euronext Paris: #13065 DSY.PA), a world leader in 3D Design Software, 3D Digital Maock Up, and PLM Solutions.
Red Herring named Centric Software to its Top 100 Global List in 2013, 2015, and 2016. Frost & Sullivan also awarded Centric numerous excellence awards in 2012, 2016, 2018, and 2021.
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Dynamics TMS
Dynamics TMS is a web-based transportation management solution. This solution is for shippers who wish to manage a wide range of multi-mode, multi-temp shipping. It can be used on both private cloud and on-premise.
Next Generation Logistics, Inc. was founded in 1988 and is a leader for technology-based supply chains services and transport software solutions.
The company has three distinct divisions that focus on outsourced managed transport services, transportation management software (TMS) and supply chain network optimization studies.
NGL is an American-based company. It is owned and managed by its owners. There is no outside investment or foreign ownership that could adversely affect corporate policies and direction. Our business is built on the economic premise of our customers being able to obtain single source, expert supply chains advice, services, and modern technology at affordable prices.
NGL is a Microsoft Partner Certified
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