Penguin is a freehand sketcher, watercolor painter, cartoon-like renderer, and technical illustration for AutoCAD and Rhino. Penguin is a non-photometric scan line rendering tool that can be used to create conceptual, cartoon, and sketch images. Penguin allows you to create stylized images of your models that have an artistic look to enhance graphic and visual appeal. Penguin 2.0 runs in Rhino and requires the same hardware requirements. Rhino with Penguin can be used on both laptop and ordinary Windows desktop computers. AutoCAD does not require any additional hardware. Penguin 2.0 integrates seamlessly with Rhino. All configuration dialogs are accessible in the same way as any other Rhino dialog, either inside Rhino properties or object property. The dockable object property panel updates as other commands run, or while you change the selection. Penguin 2.0 supports any Rhino native Rhino object, even 2D objects such as dimensions and curves. These objects can be set up in the same way as any other object.
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Cortona2D Editor Pro
Cortona2D Editor Pro supports the creation, modification and rendering of layered graphics primitives (ellipse/polygon, bitmap, or raster). Support for property bundles: Allows for the definition of line, fill, text, and marker property sets (bundles), exchanging between computers, assigning property bundles to object(s), and selecting objects by property bundle. You can add points and segments to lines, polygons, and other types of objects. Moving, rotating, flipping, and removing objects.
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Carlson GIS
It can be used standalone or in conjunction with an additional license of AutoCAD. All Carlson Software orders will be sent an email with your new serial number, and instructions for downloading within two business days. AutoCAD Map includes all Map tools, plus additional commands such as Label Object data Areas and Label Object Data Areas. You can set up symbols, layers, and styles to draw points. Point group manager to create point groups using filters. Automatically detects point label overlaps and provides rule options for fixing them. Utilities to modify point labels, such as move with leader and twist. Construction Estimating for earthworks and subgrades, material quantities as well as strata quantities and trench networkm.
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Click to measure length, radius, area, angle, radius, and click to get the measured values. Click to quickly and accurately select the terminal, central, or cross junctions of entities. Edit objects like text, line and block attributes. Right-click to modify object properties. DWG Viewer & Editor is a lightweight and fast DWG viewer and editor. It allows you to view, measure, markup and edit DWG/DXF/DWF files. AutoCAD 2022 drawings supported. You can export your drawing to pdf or raster images in just a few steps. This is great for sharing your designs and drawing reviews. You can either open a DWG/DXF file to print, or you can choose multiple drawing files to print. You can either save.dwg or add comments to a separate markup file.
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