Adminer replaces phpMyAdmin. You will have a cleaner user interface, better support of MySQL features, more performance, and greater security. Adminer's security is a top priority. Adminer prohibits you from connecting to databases without a password. It also rates-limits connections to protect against brute force attacks. Adminer can still be made inaccessible to the public by whitelisting IP addresses that are allowed to connect to it, password protecting your web server, enabling security plug-ins (e.g. You can also customize the login method or require an OTP. If you don't need Adminer anymore, you can delete it. It is only one file that can be uploaded in the future. Adminer has had security issues in the past. If Adminer informs you that a new version is available, update immediately. Ask your administrator if you are unable to update yourself. Connect to a database server using username and password. /Select an existing or create a new database.
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Modern native client with intuitive GUI tools to access, query, and edit multiple databases: MySQL. PostgreSQL. SQLite. Microsoft SQL Server. Amazon Redshift. MariaDB. CockroachDB. Vertica. Snowflake. Oracle. Redis.
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RazorSQL is a SQL query tool, a database browser, SQL editor and database administration tool for Windows and macOS, Mac OS X and Linux. RazorSQL can connect to more than 40 databases and has been tested on them. View database objects including schemas, tables and columns, primary and secondary keys, views and indexes, procedures and functions, and more. Visual tools to create and modify, describe, execute, and delete database objects like tables, views and indexes, stored procedure, functions, triggers, etc. Multi-tabular display of queries, with options for filtering and sorting, searching, etc. You can import data from many formats, including Excel spreadsheets, fixed-width files, and delimited files. It comes with a robust relational database (HSQLDB), which is ready to use straight out of the box.
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HeidiSQL is a free program that aims to make it easy to use. "Heidi" allows you to view and edit data and structures on computers that run one of the following database systems: MariaDB, MySQL or Microsoft SQL. Ansgar invented HeidiSQL in 2002. It is one of the most popular tools for MariaDB or MySQL. OpenSource, free for everyone Multiple servers can be connected in one window. MariaDB, MySQL and MS SQL are supported. You can connect to servers via commandline. You can connect via SSH tunnel or SSL settings. Edit tables, views, stored procedures, triggers, and scheduled events. You can create beautiful SQL-exports and then compress them or copy them to the clipboard. Export directly from one server/database to another server/database. You can manage user privileges, import text-files, and export table rows in CSV, HTML HTML, XML, SQL, LaTeX Wiki Markup, and PHP Array. A grid allows you to browse and edit table-data.
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