Jubi Description

Jubi is the best place to start your trading experience. Jubi was founded in 2013 and continues to provide safe and stable digital asset trading services to users around the world. A platform that is compliant with CryptoCurrency Security Standard, (CCSS), and has cutting-edge risk controls and multiple layers of security. A trading system that supports 2 million transactions per second. It is self-developed and highly efficient. A high availability architecture that supports disaster recovery, decentralized custody and clearing, and DDoS protection. A waiver granted by the monetary authority of Singapore (MAS), from the requirement to hold a license under the Payment Service Act. Our mobile apps allow you to deposit, withdraw, trade, and do so 24/7. You can trade Bitcoin and hundreds more digital assets in just a few minutes. Our global communities have over 1 million members. Join the conversation and connect!


Yes, Jubi has an API
No Integrations at this time

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Jubi User Reviews

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  • Name: Aldo G.
    Job Title: User
    Length of product use: Less than 6 months
    Used How Often?: Monthly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1 - 25
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Extortion is their goal

    Date: May 15 2023

    Summary: Terrible. They are in the business of taking your money and extorting you of outlandish deposits in order to get your money back but it will never happen. They will keep coming up with another excuse for you to pay another deposit.

    Positive: None. They are in the business of taking your money and extorting you of outlandish deposits in order to get your money back but it will never happen. They will keep coming up with another excuse for you to pay another deposit.

    Negative: Jubi will take your money and never give it back. They are a prime example of a PIG BUTCHER. DO NOT SEND OR TRADE ANY MONEY with Jubi!!