JetSign Description
To sign with your finger, tap or click anywhere. You can add your e-signature, dates and text to your document to create a signed PDF. You can send documents to e-signature by simply sharing a link in an email or text message. Your remote signer(s), as well as you, can view and sign the document with a full audit trail. You can easily fill out and sign forms by editing text directly in the document. No pop-ups or text entry required. You can resize text, add checkmarks or X's, clone fields using our form filler tools, and save the file as a PDF. You can add one or more documents at once, including Word (doc/docx), pages, PDF, HTML RTF, WordPerfect, images and 15 other file formats. Your documents are protected in the cloud using leading encryption methods (AES256), SSL hosting, as well as full audit trails for electronic signatures.
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