Install-free PDF editing, form filling, redaction, signing, viewing, and more on your website with RAD PDF!
Packaged as an easy to use library / WebControl (compatible with .NET 3.5+, .NET Core, and .NET 5+), RAD PDF can be used with just about any flavor of ASP.NET including MVC, Razor, Blazor, WebForms, and more.
RAD PDF is compatible with 99% of internet browsers, including those on Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, and mobile. No plugins. No Adobe Reader. RAD PDF is more than a PDF to HTML converter. It natively supports all the most common PDF features including annotations, bookmarks, form fields, page labels, and more.
With advanced PDF options, RAD PDF allows you to selectively enable and disable features not available with Adobe Acrobat Reader, like protecting a PDF from being downloaded while still viewable online.
RAD PDF users can use PDF form fields directly from the web browser by enabling PDF form filling and PDF form saving without having to install any software.
Integrating directly with ASP.NET, RAD PDF allows your web application to capture input data, build custom workflows, and provide an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) for just about any online PDF interaction imaginable!
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Nutrient SDK
Nutrient provides an extensive solution for all your PDF requirements, delivering tools that seamlessly operate PDF features across any platform.
1. SDK: Incorporate advanced PDF functionality into iOS, Android, Windows, web, or any cross-platform technology, supplying abilities like PDF viewing, annotation, collaboration, and beyond.
2. Libraries: Employ our powerful .NET and Java libraries to enhance your backend applications with batch processing of redactions and PDF forms, OCR'd scanned text, and PDF document editing, all directly from your application server.
3. Processor: Our agile PDF microservice, Processor, enables rapid generation of PDFs from HTML, including HTML forms, as well as Office-to-PDF conversions, OCR, redaction, and XFDF combining and exporting.
4. PDF API: Take advantage of our hosted PDF API to generate, convert, and alter PDF documents in your workflows. We handle the development and server management, freeing you up to concentrate on your business.
At Nutrient, we're not just a tool; we're a committed ally in your success. Gain direct contact with our engineers for expert guidance, utilize comprehensive examples to simplify integration, and make the most of our top-tier documentation.
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pdfRest API Toolkit was made by developers, for developers. Rapidly integrate PDF workflows with your business applications, simply and seamlessly. pdfRest API Toolkit includes all the PDF processing tools you'll need, designed and developed by digital document experts with decades of experience to make your job easy: PDF to Word, PDF to Excel, PDF to PowerPoint, Add to PDF, Extract Text, Query PDF, Convert to PDF, PDF to Images, Convert to PDF/A, Convert to PDF/X, Compress PDF, Linearize PDF, Flatten Forms, Flatten Transparencies, Flatten Annotations, Flatten Layers, Merge PDFs, Split PDF, Encrypt PDF, Decrypt PDF, Restrict PDF, Watermark PDF, Import Form Data, Export Form Data, OCR PDF, Upload Files, Zip Files. Clear documentation with intuitive endpoints and parameters. Start with sample code in .NET, JavaScript, Python, PHP, and cURL for every endpoint. Gold-standard processing powered by Adobe® PDF Library™. Free to get started with no commitment. Affordable pricing for projects of all sizes. pdfRest was designed for developers, by developers to make working with PDFs as easy and intuitive as possible. Flexible APIs can be called from any language capable of making an API request. Send your first API call in
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PrizmDoc helps web developers embed secure secure and responsive HTML5 document viewing, document editing, and native spreadsheet viewing and editing within your own web application or system solution. Due to its extreme flexibility, PrizmDoc can be supported on virtually any platform, and in any programming language that supports REST API calls. Key features can be easily turned on or off depending on your application’s needs, along with user-based permissions to protect proprietary logic, and you can customize the UI layout or style. PrizmDoc can be self-hosted on your own infrastructure or accessed through a fully managed backend on Accusoft’s public or private cloud. And with best-in-class support, Accusoft’s Enablement Services to ensure a seamless PrizmDoc implementation.
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