EarnBetter Description

Upload your existing resume and our AI will reformat it into a professional resume within minutes. We use AI to scan millions of jobs every day and present you with the best matches based on profile and preferences. Our AI can customize your resume and cover letters for each job posted on EarnBetter in seconds, helping you to stand out. EarnBetter's AI helps you stand out from the crowd by enhancing your resume with professionally written experience and a clean, legible look and feel. We then use AI to instantly search through millions and thousands of jobs to find the best matches for you based on your preferences and profile. We will then create a customized cover letter, and adjust your resume to match the jobs you are interested in. All with a click of the button.


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  • Name: Anonymous (Verified)
    Job Title: Product Manager
    Length of product use: Less than 6 months
    Used How Often?: Weekly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 26 - 99
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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Super cool

    Date: Jan 19 2024

    Summary: EarnBetter isn't just a job search tool – it's a personalized career coach that fuels your confidence and guides you every step of the way. From crafting the perfect resume to nailing that final interview, it's got your back. So, if you're tired of rejection emails and longing for a job search that rocks, give EarnBetter a shot. It might just be the secret weapon that unlocks your dream career. Trust me, this 5-star buddy is worth every penny!

    Positive: My job hunt used to suck. Generic postings, ghosting employers, resume-writing dread – you name it. I felt like a needle in a haystack, invisible and uninspired. Then came EarnBetter, my AI job search buddy, and boom! Game changer.

    Think of it like a super-powered headhunter. It scours the market, unearthing hidden gems – jobs that actually fit your skills and make you wanna jump out of bed. No more generic crap, just personalized picks that set your soul on fire.

    But EarnBetter doesn't stop there. It's your resume and cover letter whisperer, too. This AI dude rewrites them in seconds, tailoring them to each job like a bespoke suit. No more robotic templates – your awesomeness shines through, grabbing hiring managers by the eyeballs.

    Nervous about interviews? EarnBetter throws you practice questions like a champion boxer, then gives you personalized feedback that'll make you a smooth talker in no time. I used to sweat bullets in interview rooms, but now I strut in like a boss, thanks to EarnBetter's expert coaching.

    Feeling lost in your career maze? EarnBetter's your mini-counselor. It analyzes your skills and passions, suggesting paths that light your spark and play to your strengths. It even throws in learning resources to bridge the gap between you and your dream job.

    Sure, the free version is like a delicious appetizer, but unlocking the full AI resume writing and interview prep goodies might cost you a few bucks. And some features, like the career roadmap, are still being polished. But hey, minor flaws can't overshadow the awesomeness, right?

    Negative: None.