DBA Manufacturing Description

As we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, this is a new era in our global economy. The recovery will be led by the small-business manufacturing sector. The status quo is no longer a viable option. There is an opportunity for you to rethink the way you run your business. To stay competitive and survive, every manufacturing company must improve its efficiency. DBA can help you overcome this challenge and deliver the manufacturing miracle that is high throughput, efficient inventory, lean staffing, and lean production. Our unique demand-driven planning system allows any company to succeed without the need of outside assistance, on-site training, or custom programming. The inherent flaws in traditional planning methods cannot be overcome by custom programming or training. We have seen companies throw money and employees at their planning silos in an attempt to improve their businesses. It is important to adopt the DBA demand-driven system that delivers higher throughput.


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DBA Manufacturing Features and Options

Job Shop Software

Billing & Invoicing
Capacity Management
Job Costing
Job Tracking
Order Management
Quality Control
Quotes / Estimates
Shipping Management
Work Order Management

MRP Software

Bills of Material
Compliance Management
Document Management
Formula Management
Inventory Management
Order Management
Process Manufacturing
Product Configurator
Production Scheduling
Quality Control
Quality Management
Quote Management
Resource Management
Safety Management
Supplier Management
Supply Chain Management

Manufacturing Software

Accounting Integration
Maintenance Management
Purchase Order Management
Quality Management
Safety Management
Shipping Management

DBA Manufacturing User Reviews

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  • Name: Stan N.
    Job Title: President
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User, Administrator, Deployment
    Organization Size: 1 - 25
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    A lot of bang for the buck!

    Date: Aug 27 2019

    Summary: Keep in mind this software doesn't have all the functionality of a high end system, but there are quite a few hidden gems that work really well once you get into this system. You can tell it has been designed for a manufacturer. I've evaluated more expensive systems that do not have this system's functionality.

    Positive: Includes a lot of modules, all standard, in one package. Easy to install and set up on your own. Startup manual takes you through setup and implementation set by step.
    Great price!!
    To keep the cost down, support is email only. Reply time is very swift.
    Software NEVER crashes. As with any database, if you get disconnected from the server, it does need to be restarted.
    Running as a server/client, speed is very good. We have almost 1,000 items logged, a pretty large BOM, and the system runs without missing a beat. Running reports or data modules run fast.
    We are a ISO certified (13485 & 9001) company, and this software supports us through all quality audits.
    You can run stand alone, client/server, or client/client if you don't have a dedicated server but have several PC's on the same network.
    New version runs multiple companies.
    I think this is really cool; they have a 'Beta' system you can install that you can practice on before making a mistake in the live system. ie, copy your current database to the 'Beta' directory. Perform your process that you want to practice. Once you're satisfied you have the hang of it, go back to the live system with confidence.
    Administrator has a lot of control over user priviledges.
    Lastly, it has the full accounting module if you want to use it. Or, use DBA to track your company, and run it alongside the accounting software of your choice. BTW, it does export, although I can't vouch for it because I've never used that side of it.

    Negative: Interface may not be appealing to all.
    It is the last of the non-browser based interfaces.
    Only runs in Windows, including Windows Server. If you have a server other than Windows, it will not run (I mention to those that may be running a -nix server).
    Customizing forms can be complicated. There are a few extra templates, but be patient if you want to do any personalizing...the third party software that controls form editing is not very friendly.
    Does not track user activities. ie, if someone makes an inventory adjustment, it tracks date and changes made, but not the user.
    Part Rev does not show in all forms.