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Avast Ultimate Business Security Description

Comprehensive cybersecurity and patch automation for growing businesses 

Avast Ultimate Business Security includes our award-winning next-gen antivirus with online privacy tools and patch management automation software to help keep your devices, data, and applications updated and secure.

Key Benefits:
* Remote Management with online management console
* Device Protection with next-gen antivirus
* Data Protection with Firewall, Ransomware Shield, USB Protection, Password Protection
* Online Security and Privacy with VPN, Web Shield, end Web Control
* Patch Management


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Avast Business
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Czech Republic
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Avast Ultimate Business Security Features and Options

IT Management Software

Capacity Monitoring
Compliance Management
Event Logs
Hardware Inventory
IT Budgeting
License Management
Patch Management
Remote Access
Software Inventory
User Activity Monitoring

IT Security Software

Anti Spam
Anti Virus
Email Attachment Protection
Event Tracking
IP Protection
Internet Usage Monitoring
Intrusion Detection System
Spyware Removal
Two-Factor Authentication
Vulnerability Scanning
Web Threat Management
Web Traffic Reporting

Computer Security Software

Anti Spam
Audit Trail
Compliance Management
Database Security Audit
File Access Control
Financial Data Protection
Maintenance Scheduling
Real Time Monitoring
Security Event Log
Virus Definition Update
Vulnerability Protection

Endpoint Protection Software

Activity Log
Application Security
Behavioral Analytics
Device Management
Signature Matching
Web Threat Management
Whitelisting / Blacklisting

Network Security Software

Access Control
Analytics / Reporting
Internet Usage Monitoring
Intrusion Detection System
Threat Response
Vulnerability Scanning
  • Name: Shannon J.
    Job Title: Founder & CEO
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User, Administrator
    Organization Size: 500 - 999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    It is a solid defense system.

    Date: Dec 15 2022

    Summary: I have Avast installed on both my company computers and all my personal devices. I keep this software as my main defense against threats since there are a lot of scams on the internet lately that can be detrimental to a company. I have been able to prevent cyber threats with just a few clicks and letting Avast do everything that has to do with securing my business from cyber attacks. My files are not compromised when using this software since it almost always alerts me to every movement that is being made within my computer or any device.

    With Avast I also feel safe with my emails and those of my company since each attached file is analyzed without the need to expose myself to malicious code being installed on my computer. So with this software I can rest assured that none of my employees receives a virus via email such as links to unsafe sites or files with malicious code. All this security that Avast gives me is in real time, plus I can see a complete report of all the computers which are scanned, I can see all this within my main control panel where I can see all the connected devices and perform certain actions like viewing the quarantine vault or performing some kind of scan.

    So with this platform I have solved the problem of computer security since it reinforces my firewall of the internal server network that my company has so that I do not have intruders who can obtain important data or who can carry out cyber kidnapping of data that is relevant to my employees or my company. In addition, its configuration was very simple from the beginning, I did not have to touch many things after the purchase and installation, I only activated certain features that were not activated by default that seemed useful to me and that to this day have not failed its initial purpose.

    Positive: + I like that it has the ability to select the depth of the scan, this allows me to take a quick look at my files that I have on a USB drive or perform a quick scan since I need to use the maximum power of my computer without it antivirus gets in the way In another measure I can also have more personalized scans on which exact location I want Avast to investigate further or I can simply choose whether to scan the entire computer deeply for maximum protection.

    + Allows me to measure the traffic of my entire business network in order to be more protected against any attack or threat that we are not aware of. This is essential since there are generally many vulnerabilities in the network and hardly anyone takes this into account, as well as a company we must be protected at all times and Avast does this job very well.

    + Virus detection is instantaneous, I have had cases of USB devices where they have been on computers with malicious files and when they have reached my computer they have been blocked instantly when I insert the infected USB drive.

    + I can connect multiple devices with my Avast account and be able to see the status of each of them. This way I have more control and protection over any threat and not only be protected on my PC.

    + Analyzes all websites when I'm browsing, this has allowed me to know which sites are safe in case I don't know what I'm getting into. In general, I use common sense and try to navigate cautiously, but with Avast it has given me the ability to quickly know which sites I shouldn't enter, in addition to avoiding malicious advertising that generally appears in pop-up windows on download sites.

    Negative: - Even having a PC with good features Avast cannot avoid consuming a large amount of resources causing my computer to slow down, preventing me from doing my day-to-day tasks when it is performing a scheduled scan. If I could have the ability to choose how many resources Avast can take, it would be fine for me, since it would give me more control and also it would not interfere with my work when there is a scheduled scan involved. Also, I wouldn't have to postpone the scan when I'm busy at my computer but just let it run in the background in case I could control the resources Avast consumes.

    - Ignores certain malicious files but sends some common files that are important to me to quarantine without even being malicious. It doesn't always happen, but it does happen from time to time and sometimes I have to remove certain malicious files manually, which is frustrating and dangerous for my company since I don't know when I might have a virus.

    - On mobile devices it does not work entirely well, although it does detect certain malicious links and applications that may have a back door that Google has not detected. Avast does not detect everything on my smartphone, I have seen that some viruses on the SD card do not detect them at all. Another point is that when it does a scan my whole phone gets saturated, impossible to do anything since it seems to use all the resources of my phone, even if it is in the background it doesn't seem to care about the other apps, it first scans for threats and then let it continue with what it is doing and this should not be the case. My only solution has been to run scans while I sleep.

    - Compressed files like .rar or .zip are prone to being parsed very slowly, I don't understand why. In addition, Avast has not been able to scan compressed files with a password, posing a security risk by having to unzip the file for it to be scanned. What reassures me is that virus detection is very immediate, making the virus unable to do almost anything, unless it is faster.

  • Name: Jimmy E.
    Job Title: Software Engineer
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1,000 - 4,999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Satisfactory experience protecting multiple devices.

    Date: Nov 17 2022

    Summary: Avast has met all my expectations, this platform helped me a lot to be able to have constant protection on the computers that are used in our business office, in addition, I have also used this software to protect the computers that I use for personal use. I really loved the express had with this platform, I find this virus has been quite easy to set up inside the computer, the installation process was quite fast, it took about five minutes to fully install on my computer. Also, I was very fascinated with the ability of the antivirus to work simultaneously on several devices with the same subscription, this helped me a lot to save money within the company and thus protect several devices. In our software sector, the antivirus has been very essential, since it has been attentive to detect any type of threat that has entered our computer, in addition, the virus database is updated several times during the day, that helps me a lot since I don't have to update it manually and I will always be protected from new threats that arise.

    Positive: Avast is an antivirus that has been present in our entire company and already in computers in other offices for more than two years. The main reason why we started using this antivirus was because it offered us a large number of computer protection functions through a relatively low price. One of the main features that I like about this software is that you can schedule scans or search for threats for specific dates at specific times, for example, you can schedule a scan of your computer to run every week, you can also configure to run in the afternoon or during the day, this programming helps a lot to be able to analyze the computer in an automated way. I also loved that this platform allows me to associate up to more than 10 devices within the same subscription, which has saved me a lot of money when it comes to using it on several company devices without paying a lot of money. I also loved the function that this software has to analyze all kinds of removable drives that enter the computer, this analysis process runs immediately and automatically, the antivirus places the drive in an inactive process until the analysis is complete, this helps to that no virus enters through that connection.

    Negative: One of the first negative points of this antivirus is regarding its compatibility. The compatibility of this virus with various operating systems is quite complex, since this antivirus is not very compatible with very old operating systems such as Windows 7 or Windows XP, as well as being incompatible with old versions of macOS. To get the most out of this antivirus and achieve much more stable protection, I totally recommend that you use a computer with an updated operating system that is capable of running all kinds of antivirus processes. In addition, another of the negative things about your antivirus is that there is no possibility of cleaning an infected file to recover it, currently the only way to eliminate a threat is to delete the file in its entirety, this is quite negative since in I've sometimes texted threats to Files that are very important to me, and I'd love to be able to recover those files and the information within them without deleting them completely.

  • Name: Maria G.
    Job Title: Software Engineer
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1,000 - 4,999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Absolute protection for our entire computer and our hard drive.

    Date: May 20 2022

    Summary: Our general experience I can define as good, however it was not perfect. As I mentioned previously, we had several problems with the protection of our mobile phones, this antivirus was not capable of detecting all the viruses that were on our phone, and it was also not capable of blocking download files that could put our personal information at risk. However, it is important to highlight the great effectiveness that this antivirus had within our computers, it was able to completely analyze our hard drive and eliminate threats that were hidden and that we did not know existed. This antivirus was also able to eliminate a virus that caused my computer to be slow at all times, this virus was capable of slowing down the RAM card and causing inconvenience every day. We will continue to use antivirus in our company, however we expect that the protection of our mobile phones will be optimized at any time.

    Positive: Avast is a fairly effective antivirus to quickly eliminate all kinds of threats or Malware that wants to affect the general functioning of each computer. Avast has been present in our company for more than a year and a half and the results we got were groundbreaking and this antivirus allowed us to keep our internet browsing safe and our downloads safe. What I like the most about this antivirus is that it has a quite attractive and comfortable interface, in this way I can analyze my computer without having to present any discomfort at any time. Another of the features that I loved about this antivirus is that with a single license I can protect several computers, this helped me save a lot of money in my company and constantly protect several computers, in a single license I can connect up to 10 devices. allows you to protect it continuously. Finally, it should also be noted that I loved the way in which this antivirus is capable of blocking all kinds of websites that are suspicious, accessing various pages from my computer, and this antivirus has been able to block pages that have a suspicious certificate or that may have any threat that puts the integrity of my training at risk. I love this software, I feel safe using it on my computers.

    Negative: One of the main negative things that need to be mentioned about supply is that the virus database is constantly updated, I wouldn't mind if you were silently updating data, however this antivirus sends a rather annoying alert when perform this update. Database updates are done about three times a day, and getting this notification every day is somewhat annoying. I wish there was an option to disable these noisy updates. Another thing that I did not like about this antivirus is that if it is not capable of protecting my entire cell phone, and integrated this antivirus in my mobile phone, which I use in my company, however, the protection has been quite poor in comparison to the one obtained from my computer. The protection of my mobile phone was not so perfect, because sometimes I downloaded malicious Files and this antivirus was not able to block it, also I accessed sites that can get some threat and this antivirus was not able to block it. All the effectiveness that it provided us was only from our version for computers.

  • Name: Melanie T.
    Job Title: Finance Assistant
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1,000 - 4,999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    General protection at the business level.

    Date: Mar 04 2021

    Summary: I am grateful for the results that this antivirus has given me and for how stable it has proven to be in my company. Avast Business Pro Plus currently helps me maintain a more general security in my work area, and thus I can establish a stable security system for all devices, with automated security. My general experience has been really good, I am satisfied with the protection shield that this antivirus has given us because it has been able to protect our web browsing, it has also protected our files from cyberthreats and it has blocked all types of malware in our servers.

    Positive: Protecting our computers is absolutely paramount. Avast Business Pro Plus for our company has been one of the most effective implementations that we have had, because we have had the ability to protect several networks and computers at the same time. What I like the most about Avast Business Pro Plus is that it offered us a totally complete free trial, which helped us to adapt to the antivirus, to know each of its functionalities and what it is capable of achieving in order to protect the all labor information. The free trial had no limitations and worked for 30 days. I also like the way Avast protects all devices simultaneously and there can be general protection control from a single panel, this has helped us to keep all devices safe from one place.

    Negative: I have no complaints whatsoever with the general performance that I have had with Avast Business Pro Plus. This Avast service has managed to keep all devices secure at the business level, and has been able to protect all of our servers. Protection has always been constant and stable, we have never had problems with the security of our files and we have always been able to eliminate any threats found.

  • Name: Anonymous (Verified)
    Job Title: Software Developer
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 100 - 499
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Quality protection for Enterprises

    Date: Jun 05 2020

    Summary: Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus is a complete security solution for your computer.It includes real time monitoring, email spam protection, firewall, VPN and lots of more features to justify its price tag.

    Positive: Real time monitoring.
    Frequent virus definition updates.
    Lightweight & less intrusive than other antivirus apps.
    Professional support.
    Browser extension for safe internet surfing.

    Negative: Sometimes System slows down during automatic scans.
    Pro Plus version is expensive.

  • Name: Leonardo D.
    Job Title: Marketing Manager
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 500 - 999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Very broad protection for various devices.

    Date: Apr 11 2023

    Summary: Avast has made me feel quite comfortable, the way it helps us keep our devices completely secure both inside the company and outside the company. With the help of we have been able to schedule automated scans for specific dates, it allows scheduling for any date or allows you to schedule scans to be done consistently on a weekly or monthly basis, even every 3-5 days, this system of scheduling scans satisfactory to me and It has contributed a positive point for my general experience, since it has allowed us to analyze correctly and find on time without having to perform the analyzes manually. Avast has been present in our company for several years and the truth is that I am completely satisfied with the service provided by antivirus, it has already allowed us to eliminate very powerful threats and it has even allowed us to detect threats inside compressed files, computer or any part of our system. I fully recommend supply for any company or to be used for personal purposes, since it also works perfectly and allows for fairly broad protection on various devices.

    Positive: Avast is an incredible antivirus that has positioned itself very well within our entire company, mainly because it has managed to eliminate well-hidden threats and it has also protected our web browsing, with the help of antivirus I have been able to have protection on various devices Simultaneously, one of the features that I like about this platform that allows me to have a fairly fast scan and with a high threat detection percentage rate, these quick scans consume a lot of computer resources but they are really worth it, since you can perform an analysis in five minutes and find threats on your hard drive, I really liked this type of analysis very much, since it allows me to carry out analyzes in very little time and find well-hidden threats. Another positive aspect that must be highlighted within this antivirus is that it is updated automatically, the virus database is updated weekly, so that they are registered and that it is much easier to detect them, that these automated authorizations allow me to I have loved it a lot, since I don't have to carry out an update process manually, the platform does it automatically. Another positive aspect of this platform is that you can update the Drivers of your computer thanks to this antivirus, it has an implemented function which allows detecting the missing Drivers inside your computer, which helps you to update your Drivers with just pressing a button . Another positive effect of this antivirus is that its main configuration process is quite simple, when you install it, also, you do not have to review any type of configuration in the Firewall or other sections of the computer, Avast will do the installation configuration process automatically.

    Negative: The only negative effect that I have come to notice about the antivirus is how strict its web shield is, despite the fact that the web shield of this antivirus has been to my liking because it has correctly protected my browsing, on some occasions I consider that it is quite strict , since it has blocked access to various pages that are fully trusted but not so recognized, that is why this antivirus detects those pages as suspicious and does not allow me to enter them, the same thing happens when I try to download some type of file inside an unknown or unreliable server, the antivirus automatically blocks that download and there is no way to process that download, the only way to process it is to temporarily disable the web shield, and I find this process quite annoying, I You would like to download files and navigate calmly on any website without this web shield being so strict.

  • Name: Cristina B.
    Job Title: Marketing Manager
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1,000 - 4,999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Perfect service to update drivers and keep a computer safe.

    Date: Feb 02 2023

    Summary: Avast is a service that has earned all my trust, with the help of this antivirus I have been able to view the status of my computers in real time, I have been able to confirm if any new threat has been found, I have also been able to find the exact name of the threats , the level of risk and I can eliminate them with the push of a button. Avast is easy to use software, when you install it for the first time you don't have to configure anything at all, the antivirus is configured automatically and you can start using it immediately. Avast makes me feel comfortable that when I browse the internet and try to download some common file or .RAR archive, this antivirus first checks that file and if it doesn't find any threat, it starts downloading, that's great.

    Positive: Avast has made it possible for us to have constant security while we browse the internet, while we download anything on our computer or while we access specific pages. I loved Avast because it allows me to completely modify the scanning method of my computer, it allows me to use a quick scan but it also allows me to use a much more advanced scan that takes longer, but offers better results since it is capable of getting threats hard to detect. What I love about Avast is that this platform is constantly updated, the virus database is updated up to 5+ times a week which helps our database is always adding certificates of new threats coming out around the clock. world, so that it is easier to detect and eliminate them in time. I liked the Driver update function, despite the fact that Windows 11 takes care of installing the most recent updates when I install the OS for the first time, this antivirus takes care of offering me immediate and automatic updates for each of the drivers, that's what I like. has liked. Avast also allows you to add any of the infected files to the "quarantine" section, this is great as I can remove threats from a file without removing it completely.

    Negative: The most notable disadvantage that new users who are considering using Avast on a continuous basis may find is that this antivirus is quite limited when you are using a free version or trial version, these versions do not allow you to update drivers, they allow you to use the Avast browser on a limited basis and also has limitations on operating system updates with Avast. I do not recommend those free versions at all, I totally recommend the Premium version of Avast, you will achieve better results and gain access to important features to upgrade your computers.

  • Name: Chauncey P.
    Job Title: CEO
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1,000 - 4,999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    A very complete antivirus that allows you to modify the method of computer analysis.

    Date: Dec 23 2022

    Summary: Avast has been an antivirus that has been present in our company for approximately four years, however, when we started using it, we had several problems with another operating system, since the installation of this antivirus in the Windows 8 operating system was a total disaster, since you are divine does not have compatibility with that operating system. However, despite that problem we had, we managed to fix it quickly and we managed to get immediate benefits from that antivirus, we managed to remove a lot of threats, also, we really loved the browser version that it installed inside our computer, since it This browser allowed us to surf the Internet safely and all types of trackers are blocked. I am totally grateful for the great antivirus effectiveness in my company, I have been able to eliminate a total of 200 threats throughout my company, in addition, it is an antivirus that is capable of protecting our entire business network, it is capable of protecting our Internet network to block any type of unauthorized entry into our network, in addition, I have loved the fact that your antivirus has a web shield, which allows me to surf the Internet safely, download files and block files that contain threats and also allows me to block any type from suspicious site. I totally recommend antivirus for any type of company, since it is completely white and allows you to protect any type of computer in a simple way.

    Positive: Avast is an antivirus that has meant a lot to us, mainly because of the great security it has provided us between various devices, the first thing I liked about this virus is the ability it has for a single subscription to work on multiple devices, a single subscription me It allows you to protect up to more than 10 devices, where I can access mobile devices and computers, this is quite beneficial since I can protect several devices at the same time. Another thing that I liked about this platform is that it has a built-in browser system, when this antivirus is installed for the first time on the computer, a browser is automatically installed which you can use to access any website, in addition, this Browser imports all the information you have stored in your other browsers, so you can access the browsing history and favorite tabs that you have stored in other browsers. Another of the things that I liked about this antivirus is that it is capable of allowing me to modify the speed or the way in which my computer is analyzed, I can modify the analysis, I can configure it to be a quick scan or an advanced scan, too. It is important to note that even though the advanced scan consumes a lot of computer resources, it is really worth it, as the scan takes much longer to complete but is capable of finding threats that were well hidden.

    Negative: One of the main negative things about this antivirus is that it is quite annoying when it is constantly updated every day, since it sends annoying notifications every time the database has been updated, this can interrupt my work activities, and I really have not found a way to disable this notification is not bothering my computer. Another of the negative things about this antivirus is that the vast majority of functions are only available within the paid version, currently the free version only allows you to perform a quick scan and does not allow you to access important functions such as updating the operating system or driver update. Another of the negative things that the antivirus has is that it does not have correct compatibility with many operating systems, I have had the Windows 8 operating system installed on my computer, and the antivirus installed, when this antivirus is installed automatically the operating system of my The computer has stopped working, the computer has restarted automatically and I was never able to access my operating system correctly anymore, since the installation of antivirus in this operating system causes a total mess, This antivirus is not compatible with the operating system of Windows 8, which caused me to completely format my computer to be able to use this antivirus, I do not recommend that this antivirus be used on very old versions of Windows.

  • Name: Carla A.
    Job Title: CEO
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1,000 - 4,999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Avast helps improve the overall security of an entire business.

    Date: Dec 13 2022

    Summary: Avast is an antivirus that is very worthwhile, however, when I started using it for the first time I was very disappointed by the fact that the free version did not help me at all, I quickly had to use a paid version, and it is important to highlight that this paid version did meet all my needs, since it was able to provide much more extensive security, I was able to secure the Internet Business Network used in my company, I was able to use the operating system update function and it also works from Driver update. In addition, this antivirus also has a built-in which allows you to add more professional features and functions to that antivirus. I was very fascinated with the protection that this antivirus provided, in addition, it has a function to use it in non-interrupt mode, this function is very important since the antivirus is constantly updated and sends annoying notifications, with this function we can avoid those annoying notifications. This antivirus has been key to improving the security of the vast majority of computers in our company, I am very grateful for that mainly.

    Positive: Avast is an antivirus that is very worthwhile since it allows you to protect each of the computers of a company in a fairly comprehensive way. One of the first functions that I liked about this platform is the function of analysis in search of threats, since it this function was able to allow me to choose the way in which I can scan my computer, this function allows me to scan my computer quickly, but it also has a built-in function to scan a specific folder, as well as allow you to generate scans and search for threats in a much more advanced way, this analysis takes much more time and consumes much more computer resources but it is more accurate in the search for threats, I consider that the search for threats of this virus is very well enhanced and allows threats to be detected quickly. Another of the features that I liked about this platform is the quarantine function, this function allows you to add a file so that it does not affect more places on the hard drive, this function allows the infected file to remain trapped inside the antivirus, and cannot spread Inside the computer, this function is very important to me because every time I find a new threat, I include it inside this function so that it does not affect more places on the computer. Another thing that I liked about this virus is that it has a function to update the Drivers of the computer, this function is very important since on some occasions I have had outdated Drivers, this antivirus is capable of automatically detecting this and sends me recommendations and notifications to update us immediately.

    Negative: There are several things that I did not like about Avast. One of the main things that I did not like about this virus is the free version, since this free version is practically useless, it only allows you to scan your computer quickly, it does not allow make full scans, also, if the user wants to remove any threat that you have found with that antivirus, you will have to use a paid version, since it is not possible to remove it like the free version, in addition, the vast majority of functions of this platform are locked inside free version, can't clean RAM card and improve computer performance, this function is locked inside free version, also can't update Drivers and also can't scan for threat inside Internet network of your computer, In conclusion, this free version is absolutely useless and I do not recommend it for new users. Another of the features that I did not like about this antivirus is the Sandbox function, because this function allows Virtualization to run applications or run an entire operating system, however, when running an operating system virtually , this causes the winner to be greatly affected, since the consumption is very high, this function is not really recommended if you are using a computer that does not have a good capacity, since it will have problems when executing the Virtualization.

  • Name: Joseph T.
    Job Title: CEO
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1,000 - 4,999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Ease of analyzing threats and automated threat detection.

    Date: Oct 19 2022

    Summary: Avast has become our number one antivirus within our company, more than 10 offices within our company are using it on each of their computers as the main measure to detect threats in time and eliminate them at the right time. I admit that the experience obtained during the free trial period of this platform was quite bad, mainly because as I mentioned previously, there were many limits when using specific functions of the antivirus, however, the experience obtained within the paid version, It's been great, we've been able to protect a lot of devices across our company, all of our employees use cell phones within the company, and those cell phones also have extra security thanks to Avast. I really loved the comfort with which I was able to use this platform, in addition, I was able to develop a lot and move around within the platform with total ease, I was able to eliminate threats in a matter of minutes, in addition, this antivirus was capable of detecting all kinds of threats that entered to the computer without the need for me to do anything manually, I did not have to scan the computer at any time, since the antivirus is able to detect them automatically, however, we do scans of our computers weekly. I hope to continue having this experience with the antivirus, it has left me fascinated by the great utility it has represented within our company.

    Positive: Avast is a fantastic service when you are looking for a way to protect and view your computers and devices for a single company or a work team, the way Avast works allows you to have protection far beyond protection. for computers, thus offering protection while browsing the web and while downloading various files. During my experience I have witnessed several positive things about this platform, below I will mention the most outstanding positive things about Avast.

    1.- One of the main things that I like about this platform is that it offers me a very broad protection to protect several devices simultaneously, with just one subscription to this platform I can protect up to more than 10 devices simultaneously, in addition , just by linking the same account on each of those devices, and accessing the main panel of this antivirus, I will be able to know exactly the status of each of the linked devices. It is fantastic to be able to enjoy this feature, since in some Sometimes I am away from my office and for me it is completely beneficial to be able to view the status of my devices from my mobile phone.

    2.- Another of the things that I like about this platform is the web shield, this shield allows you to have a much broader protection to avoid all kinds of identity theft, password theft, access to fraudulent pages and much more , this web shield blocks all kinds of attempts to steal my identity or personal passwords, in addition, it is capable of blocking all kinds of web pages that I do not have a trusted certificate. I love the way this web shield works, as it allows me to browse safely and allows me to block all kinds of suspicious pages.

    3.- The third positive thing about this antivirus is the ease with which it can be installed on any device. You can install this antivirus on your mobile devices and also on your computer. In addition, the installation process will only take a few minutes. minutes, and the process of setting up for the first time to protect your computer in an automated way is also a fairly simple process. Using all of this antivirus is quite easy, you can eliminate all kinds of threats, view the status of your computer, view the history of threats found and much more in a very simple way, I loved the ease with which I can handle this antivirus .

    4.- I also love the way the threat database is updated automatically, having this updated database allows me to protect myself from all kinds of new threats that come to light within a certain time, for For example, if a new threat has come out today, the antivirus will automatically strengthen its database to protect against these new threats. I love being able to get an updated database at all times without having to do any kind of manual process.

    5.- The fifth positive thing about this antivirus is that it is capable of offering much more complete security when it comes to detecting threats that exist within compressed files. Within my company and the computers we use in offices, we download many compressed files every day, either to download information and make it lighter or for something else, I love the fact that this antivirus is able to detect if there are threats inside those compressed files, when there is a threat inside a compressed file that is trying to be downloaded to the computer, the antivirus is automatically capable of blocking that download and for no reason will you be able to download that file successfully, the only way is to disable the protection shield, that way if you can download it to your computer.

    Negative: Avast offered great positive features and the vast majority of tools provided by the antivirus have made each of our computers have additional security, however, during our experience we have also witnessed several negative factors about this antivirus, we will mention them below .

    1.- One of the main negative things that this antivirus has is that it is not capable of blocking phishing emails. This virus is not capable of blocking this type of fraudulent email that seeks to get us to access a specific website to steal our data. As I mentioned previously, this antivirus has the ability to protect us from data theft, blocking all kinds of scripts that can steal our information. However, this antivirus is not capable of blocking all those fraudulent emails that we receive in our email folder. spam inside our main inbox. It would be excellent if this antivirus was capable of detecting those fraudulent emails from addresses of dubious origin, so that it blocks them automatically and we don't have to have them stored in our inbox. It would be excellent if a system was implemented to protect our business inbox.

    2.- Another of the negative things about this antivirus is that it does not work correctly on computers that do not have a good capacity, I have noticed that when I have installed this antivirus on computers in another company that does not have an excellent capacity, the antivirus does not behaves in the same way, it takes a long time to correctly scan the entire computer, as well as a long time to scan or Search for threats within removable drives of the computer. I recommend that this antivirus is only used on computers that have a medium or high capacity, so that you can enjoy many benefits in the elimination and detection of threats, since as I mentioned previously, it does not perform very well in computers that do not have a good capacity.

    3.- The third negative thing that this antivirus has is if you use it in its free trial version, I have used this free trial for about a week within our company, and I have not really been satisfied, I have noticed that this free trial has many limitations, since it does not allow a quick analysis of the computer, it only allows deep analyzes that take a long time, in addition, it does not allow linking several devices within this subscription, causing you to only be able to protect one device at a time. I think that this free trial should be much more extensive, we currently use a paid version in this company, We do not regret having purchased this paid version, however, having used the free trial for a couple of days, we consider that should expand the limits of it.

  • Name: Paola G.
    Job Title: CEO
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 500 - 999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    It has guaranteed my safety at all times.

    Date: Sep 10 2022

    Summary: This software has prevented me from many cyber attacks such as phishing or ransomware. I've also been able to avoid the hassle of worrying about whether an employee inadvertently transmits a virus by moving a USB drive from one computer to another. Before, we had serious problems because the company's files were encrypted or hidden, this being a nuisance since we had intruders on our computers that prevented us from carrying out our daily company tasks. Also, I had a case of an employee who had bank card data stolen which caused him to lose money, thanks to the bank he was able to replace that money, however we no longer trust traditional security, which is not to download files from unknown pages or use pendrive that may be contaminated but we simply use Avast to take care of our computer security at all times. With Avast we have detected endless malicious programs long before we could be infected and our files are encrypted or hidden. In a nutshell Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus is more secure as it is more intense when data privacy and protection of all company files is required. In addition, it protects not only Windows but also my mobile devices and always has almost daily updates.

    Positive: With Avast I can count on high-level security for my company and my daily life, I have been able to detect threats in time and it has helped me to recognize safe sites which I can browse and expose my security and that of the employees. With Avast I prevent data loss from occurring in my company, safeguarding all devices that may be affected by human carelessness.

    ° It has an extension that allows you to filter pages and classify them according to how safe they can be. During my working hours there are many companies that send me to work collaboratively and they usually send me links to their websites, however, I do not know how safe they are and this software measures security and that the website is not a phishing which I am entering.

    ° I find it useful that it is cross-platform as it not only keeps me protected on desktop but also on other operating systems such as Mac, iOS and Android. It's nice to be able to have an antivirus like this that notifies me about the security status of my other devices.

    ° Real-time scanning in Windows does not slow down performance. I have tried other antiviruses and every time there is a virus definition update or some periodic scan that I schedule, there were always performance drops preventing me from continuing with my work until I had finished what the antivirus was doing. With Avast I never had that problem because I didn't even know if it did anything since its background activity is low and efficient.

    ° It maintains an updated virus definition base almost daily, this gives my company security since malicious files are always appearing in different ways and one does not realize how and when they get there. But Avast takes care of identifying them. Plus, updates are done outside of business hours, allowing you to use your desktop without worrying about its performance.

    º Its main panel with all the functions is very easy to use, I can program when I want to do analysis, how often and how deep without requiring me to navigate between the functions since everything is right there. Also, I can easily find the virus chest in case I lose a file due to a false positive and need to recover it.

    º It also has a security optimization program, it allows users with little computer experience to be safe by activating this function that configures your entire computer to cover possible backdoors and prevent cyber attacks from unknown criminals.

    º It has a password manager to keep me more secure when entering my data on websites where I have to register or log in. You also suggest me randomly generated passwords with great complicity so that my passwords are not easily hacked.

    Negative: ° On mobile devices it consumes many resources unnecessarily. I understand that iOS and Android have a different architecture or way of handling things than Windows, so I don't see the need to exorbitantly consume the resources of the device if I'm sending a text or I'm on social networks. I can understand if on Android I am installing a third-party application or on iOS I am browsing unsafe sites, in those cases there is monitoring by Avast since I would not know when my personal data would be compromised.

    ° I would like to avoid the innumerable promotions that are shown to me when I open the main panel, I am paying for a product and I find advertising annoying knowing that it should not be included. This is distracting and a bit annoying to close them, so I want my comfort without annoying ads that I don't need if I have already activated a yearly subscription.

    º Drastically extends the startup of the operating system, I don't like to wait too long for Windows to start when Avast is loading all its processes. It seems that he was doing an analysis before leaving the computer in your hands. So they should improve the load times when I start the system so that I can have my files quickly without waiting for this software to load or without leaving my laptop or computer on to avoid being delayed by turning it on again and waiting for Avast to load completely.

    º I have compared Windows Defender and I have had different analysis times. I have noticed this difference when testing in normal and intense mode and Windows Defender has terminated much earlier than Avast. It would be nice if it didn't take so long as it can sometimes hinder my performance at work by waiting for Avast to finish performing a regular scan during business hours.

  • Name: Ana G.
    Job Title: Sales Director
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 500 - 999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    This antivirus helps to keep documents protected and files with encryption security.

    Date: Jul 12 2022

    Summary: The general experience that we have had with this antivirus has been good but not perfect, as it appears to me previously, there are still things that have to be used within this antivirus, such as the fact of creating an automated system to immediately analyze all the removable drives to enter the computer, you also have to create a system to prevent virus database update list notifications. This antivirus has behaved in the best possible way, it has allowed my computer to be a fairly fluid computer without any type of threat, it is capable of detecting quite complex threats, eliminating them immediately and it also offers me web browsing security, this It helps me access various web pages without worrying about data being stolen or my information being stolen. I am happy with the general performance that we have obtained with this antivirus, it should be noted that within our company there are too many computers, so we have protected each one of them with the help of Avast. We will continue to use this antivirus for the main reason that computers do not need constant security, active 24 hours a day, so this antivirus fulfills this function and helps keep our documents protected.

    Positive: Avast is an excellent antivirus for various computers and its consumption for all types of computers is quite low, this helps to carry out many analyzes and searches for threats without interrupting the operation and performance that the user may have on the computer. One of the things that I liked the most about this antivirus were the following:

    - Avast offers a much more advanced system which is capable of using a heuristic engine. This engine helps to find all kinds of threats that have been previously detected. At the moment of detecting a new threat on the computer, this antivirus registers that threat and its source code, in this way the antivirus will be able to detect it much more easily the next time it enters the computer.

    - This antivirus has a silent mode, this silent mode is incredible for me and quite beneficial because it does not interrupt the activities that I am carrying out within my company. It is important to highlight that the silent mode is very necessary for the operation of any computer, since in this way the activities of each user cannot be interrupted by finding any threat or by updating the virus database, the antivirus does not it doesn't send any kind of notification and I don't get any kind of silent popup, so it's great to activate it on any computer.

    - The action process is one of the things that I liked the most about this virus, installing it on our computers was quite easy for us, also configuring the threat search in an automated way was also quite easy, in conclusion, the installation period quite easy. Another positive thing is that it has excellent compatibility with various operating systems. We currently use Windows 10 on the vast majority of our computers, and it is incredible that this antivirus is compatible with such a recent operating system.

    - I love how this antivirus works within my computer but also within my mobile device, it's incredible how I can monitor the status of my mobile device from my computer, and vice versa, I can know the status of any device much more faster than other antiviruses. This is one of the features that I like the most because I can quickly monitor any device and can give it much bolder security.

    Negative: The general protection that this antivirus has had on my computer and mobile devices is incredible, the general antivirus functions were positive at all times and provide a pretty good experience, I have no complaints, however I do have to complain about some features What I didn't like about this antivirus, such as:

    - This antivirus has a quite annoying alert system which warns when the virus database has been updated, this alert is sent to my computer several times a day, constantly updating itself, which makes it quite annoying fact of receiving these alerts every moment, I must also highlight that these alerts cannot be turned off and are not suspended when activating the silent mode, so I would like a system to be created in which I can deactivate that annoying notification .

    - One of the things I didn't like about this antivirus is that there is no way to create an automated system which will be able to scan any removable drive that is put into the computer, when I connect my phone via USB cable or when When inserting a flash drive, the antivirus is not able to analyze them automatically, to analyze them I have to carry out the process manually and sometimes I forget. I would love that this antivirus has an automated system which analyzes all the removable drives that are entered into the computer at any time, this would help prevent any type of threat that is found in the device that is being connected.

  • Name: Angelica B.
    Job Title: CEO
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 500 - 999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Comfortable using a complete antivirus for our computers.

    Date: Apr 19 2022

    Summary: The results with Avast began to be noticed since it was implemented in our corporate area. Avast is currently being used by all the computers in our company because we realized that we needed a broader protection, protection for all our networks and for all the information that we handle in our company. We have great confidence in the ability and cunning of Avast, we know that this software is essential to protect our information and to detect viruses at the right time. We've had a full experience with Avast, got it for a fairly good price, quickly adapted to scanning and hunting for threats, and feel comfortable using this antivirus.

    Positive: Previously, we had various problems to protect the large number of computers that we were using at that time in our company, no antivirus was capable of protecting computers simultaneously. Avast was able to protect all the computers in our company and manage the security of all the devices from one place. What I liked most about Avast is:

    1. Scanning, threat hunting, and computer bug manager are features that work like a charm and are quite fast. All the scans that are done in Avast are extremely fast, it does not matter if you are scanning a removable drive or if you are scanning a hard drive, everything will be done quickly in just a few minutes. Removing threats with Avast is also completely fast, just detecting them and removing them only takes a few seconds.

    2. The automated protection shield works wonderfully, it is capable of detecting all kinds of threats and irregularities that exist on a computer and reacts immediately by blocking all kinds of irregularities in just a couple of seconds, it is capable of blocking a threat and block a suspicious site instantly.

    3. The protection shield on mobile phones also works great. I have this antivirus installed on my Android device and the results have been innovative, it is capable of blocking all kinds of threats.

    4. The design that Avast has is really innovative and makes me feel totally safe, I can easily see the data flow of my PC and know if it is correct or if there is a threat that could put my information at risk. Avast has an amazing design, it is quite comfortable to use this antivirus.

    Negative: Avast does not have any negative factors that need to be mentioned in this review, this antivirus is fully functional and does not throw any errors during the analysis and search for threats. In my work experience, I find that the only annoying thing about Avast is that when the virus database is updated, an annoying banner pops up and makes a sound that interrupts work activity, however, this lasts a few seconds and automatically disappears , to counteract this the user should turn off notifications so that work is not interrupted when the database is updated. Avast has many positive factors that make this antivirus the best choice for a company, it has no flaws, no bugs or anything alternate that can limit the user experience.

  • Name: Divyani S.
    Job Title: Product Manager
    Length of product use: Less than 6 months
    Used How Often?: Monthly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1 - 25
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    A comprehensive and reliable antivirus solution for businesses

    Date: Mar 07 2022

    Summary: Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus is a great antivirus program. It has a very user-friendly interface, is easy to install, and has a variety of features that make it a great choice for businesses. I have used it for a number of years and have been very happy with it.

    Positive: The thing I liked most about Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus was the peace of mind it provided. Knowing that my computer was protected from viruses and other malware gave me the confidence to work on my computer without worrying about my data being compromised.

    Negative: The one thing I did not like about Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus was that it was not very user friendly. It was difficult to navigate and I found it difficult to find the features I needed.

  • Name: Harold M.
    Job Title: Sales Manager
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1,000 - 4,999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Total security for web browsing and the computer.

    Date: Feb 14 2022

    Summary: Avast has been a pretty good option to protect all the computers in our company. With Avast, we have been able to check the status of our computers from an application for mobile phones, we can know in real time if a threat has been found or if the computers are completely clean. We have had a really good experience with Avast despite the annoying database update notifications, our security while browsing the web and using our computers has been spectacular. In addition, Avast also detects and blocks phishing emails from our inbox, so it's easy for us to know if we're receiving spam thanks to Avast's web protection system. It is a fairly complete antivirus and I am happy to have it in our sales sector.

    Positive: - Avast is able to protect my computer and at the same time protect my web browsing. It has a web browsing filter which is capable of blocking all kinds of pages with suspicious source code or that could mean a problem for our security. In addition, it blocks pages that do not have security certificates. I love that it protects my web browsing, as I can block all kinds of threats automatically.

    - It is one of the fastest antivirus that I have used in my work sector. In the computers that we use in our company, Avast is implemented, in order to protect them. Every day we scan and scan for viruses before starting work, and the virus scan only takes a few minutes, not like other antiviruses that take a lot of time and consume a lot of computer resources during the scanning process.

    - Avast automatically scans any removable drive that comes into my computer, the scanning process takes a few seconds and I'm ready to use the removable drive. This is great because I can insert any Pendrive or CD into my computer without risking any threats.

    Negative: There are several things that have bothered me during my experience with Avast, these factors were:

    - The virus database updates itself and this is a pretty positive factor, however there is a really annoying alert that pops up every time the database updates. I always get an alert saying "The database has been updated" and there is no way to remove it. The database is updated about 3 times a day, and it's pretty annoying not being able to disable that alert.

    - There is no trunk system where infected files can be cleaned to save the information in them. Currently the way to remove viruses in Avast is to delete the file completely, there is no way to clean it and recover the file. This is a very negative point, since sometimes really valuable information related to the company can be lost.