Atex Desk Description

Multichannel Content Management Platform. Desk is a web-based solution that allows you to manage the production and distribution of digital and printed publications for newspapers and magazines. The Desk platform has been used by leading publishers like JPI Media in the UK, La Stampa (Italy) and Newsday in America to implement their digital-first publishing strategies. Desk facilitates the entire content production process with customizable workflows, picture desk functionality and dynamic metadata management framework with automated content tagging. Flexible environment to create and prepare content for offline and online publishing. You can break the channels barrier by using the same tool and the exact same workflow to prepare articles both for print and web. Digital enrichment at its best with galleries, multimedia and embeds, maps, embedded links, and links. It's super easy and super quick. Manage even the most complex homepages with simultaneous multi-user access and alternative guided layouts.


Reviews - 1 Verified Review


Company Details

Year Founded:
United States


Atex Desk Screenshot 1
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Product Details


Atex Desk Features and Options

Content Management System

Audio Content
Customizable Templates
Document Indexing
Full Text Search
Image Editor
SEO Management
Text Editor
Version Control
Video Content
Website Management

Publishing and Subscriptions Software

Advertising Management
Campaign Management
Circulation Management
Content Management
Layout & Design

Desktop Publishing Software

For Newspapers / Magazines
For Printing
For eBooks
HTML Import / Export
Handles Database Formats
Image Editing
Multiple Editing Layers
Object Snapping / Grouping
PDF Export / Import

Atex Desk User Reviews

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  • Name: Anonymous (Verified)
    Job Title: Sub Editor
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 10,000 - 19,999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Unfit for purpose

    Date: Jul 11 2023

    Summary: The overall experience is one of sheer frustration, 'computer rage', and the desire to throw one's laptop out of the nearest window. Desk is a broken, buggy, nightmarish mess to use and is COMPLETELY UNFIT FOR PURPOSE.
    To think that not so long ago I had my own Adobe InDesign, and could actually do my job properly and intuitively, sorting out any problems with pages as I worked.
    Now all the control I previously had has been taken away. I cannot directly interact with page elements, and any problems that occur must be sent on to a third party who have InDesign to sort out.
    Even simple operations such as the need for a second picture box, or a landscape pic to be made into portrait are now beyond my capability - unless I wish to go through the convoluted rigmarole of unassigning all content, killing off the template, trawling through the system for a more suitable template, loading it in, loading the story back onto the page blah blah - though of course 8 times out of 10 there are no suitable templates!
    So sum up, Desk has made my job into an unpleasant, frustrating, chore.
    Operations that would have previously taken me around three minutes now can take anything upward of 20 minutes or even longer - radically increasing my workload and working hours.

    Positive: I've been doing this job for over 20 years and Desk is by a country mile, the single worst editorial system I have ever had the misfortune of having forced upon me, and I am comparing this directly with the first system I used back in 2002, which was a totally command-driven system operating under MS DOS, but had 80% more flexibility and functionality.

    Negative: Constant, and almost ceaseless crashes, lock-ups, errors and freezes.
    Slow to the point of ridiculousness. Takes forever to open pages, edit copy, load in pictures etc. And it usually takes several attempts to load things in as the first few attempts invariably fail.
    Extremely limited functionality. No method of changing the point size of text, no method of changing text colour, no method of kerning, tracking options extremely limited. Picture cropping tools are a total and complete joke - and that's on the rare occasions they actually work.
    Every single function and event generally requires multiple mouse clicks and opening multiple screens to achieve, there are no shortcuts, no workarounds. In most situations it's required to have several iterations of Desk open in different browser tabs simply in order to do your job.
    Horrible, buggy, unintuitive user interface.