Best Antimatter Alternatives in 2024

Find the top alternatives to Antimatter currently available. Compare ratings, reviews, pricing, and features of Antimatter alternatives in 2024. Slashdot lists the best Antimatter alternatives on the market that offer competing products that are similar to Antimatter. Sort through Antimatter alternatives below to make the best choice for your needs

  • 1
    Satori Reviews
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    Satori is a Data Security Platform (DSP) that enables self-service data and analytics for data-driven companies. With Satori, users have a personal data portal where they can see all available datasets and gain immediate access to them. That means your data consumers get data access in seconds instead of weeks. Satori’s DSP dynamically applies the appropriate security and access policies, reducing manual data engineering work. Satori’s DSP manages access, permissions, security, and compliance policies - all from a single console. Satori continuously classifies sensitive data in all your data stores (databases, data lakes, and data warehouses), and dynamically tracks data usage while applying relevant security policies. Satori enables your data use to scale across the company while meeting all data security and compliance requirements.
  • 2
    Segment Reviews
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    Twilio Segment’s Customer Data Platform (CDP) provides companies with the data foundation that they need to put their customers at the heart of every decision. Using Twilio Segment, companies can collect, unify and route their customer data into any system. Over 25,000 companies use Twilio Segment to make real-time decisions, accelerate growth and deliver world-class customer experiences.
  • 3
    Source Defense Reviews
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    Source Defense is an essential element of web safety that protects data at the point where it is entered. Source Defense Platform is a simple, yet effective solution to data security and privacy compliance. It addresses threats and risks that arise from the increased use JavaScript, third party vendors, and open source code in your web properties. The Platform offers options for securing code as well as addressing an ubiquitous gap in managing third-party digital supply chains risk - controlling actions of third-party, forth-party and nth-party JavaScript that powers your website experience. Source Defense Platform provides protection against all types of client-side security incidents, including keylogging, formjacking and digital skimming. Magecart is also protected. - by extending the web security beyond the browser to the server.
  • 4
    Windocks Reviews
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    Windocks provides on-demand Oracle, SQL Server, as well as other databases that can be customized for Dev, Test, Reporting, ML, DevOps, and DevOps. Windocks database orchestration allows for code-free end to end automated delivery. This includes masking, synthetic data, Git operations and access controls, as well as secrets management. Databases can be delivered to conventional instances, Kubernetes or Docker containers. Windocks can be installed on standard Linux or Windows servers in minutes. It can also run on any public cloud infrastructure or on-premise infrastructure. One VM can host up 50 concurrent database environments. When combined with Docker containers, enterprises often see a 5:1 reduction of lower-level database VMs.
  • 5
    SharePass Reviews
    Top Pick
    Secrets and confidential information should be shared with care. SharePass is the perfect solution for businesses who want to automate secret management and keep it all in one place securely online or on your phone - no matter where you're at. SharePass enables you to send encrypted links from sender to receiver with various settings. The settings include expiration restrictions, availability and IP restrictions which can be set through our patent-pending platform-independent sharing system. With its cutting-edge encryption and security measures, SharePass is committed to keeping your personal information safe. We cannot see what your secrets are, the only people who know are the ones sharing them. In this era of identity theft, SharePass will protect you and prevent your data from leaking to the dark web by eliminating all evidence that it was ever there. SharePass supports single sign-on with Office365, Google Workspace, MFA & integration for Yubikeys so maximum security is guaranteed.
  • 6
    PrivacyPillar Reviews
    PrivacyPillar is a consumer data privacy solutions company on a mission to empower consumers while protecting and growing businesses. Unlike the competition that uses scare tactics to sell ineffective “compliance” services, PrivacyPillar offers businesses the ability to leverage the “Power of Permission” to capture more and higher quality data, provide their customers with a better experience and capitalize on increased credibility while avoiding the anxiety and fines associated with non-compliance. We are truly invested in our customers’ success and provide them with robust, affordable and easy-to-use solutions. PrivacyPillar is fast becoming the most trusted name in consumer data privacy.
  • 7
    Immuta Reviews
    Immuta's Data Access Platform is built to give data teams secure yet streamlined access to data. Every organization is grappling with complex data policies as rules and regulations around that data are ever-changing and increasing in number. Immuta empowers data teams by automating the discovery and classification of new and existing data to speed time to value; orchestrating the enforcement of data policies through Policy-as-code (PaC), data masking, and Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) so that any technical or business owner can manage and keep it secure; and monitoring/auditing user and policy activity/history and how data is accessed through automation to ensure provable compliance. Immuta integrates with all of the leading cloud data platforms, including Snowflake, Databricks, Starburst, Trino, Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Azure Synapse. Our platform is able to transparently secure data access without impacting performance. With Immuta, data teams are able to speed up data access by 100x, decrease the number of policies required by 75x, and achieve provable compliance goals.
  • 8
    DATPROF Reviews
    Mask, generate, subset, virtualize, and automate your test data with the DATPROF Test Data Management Suite. Our solution helps managing Personally Identifiable Information and/or too large databases. Long waiting times for test data refreshes are a thing of the past.
  • 9 Reviews
    Find out in minutes if you have sensitive data hidden in places that you didn't expect (Screenshots and logs, messages, tickets, tables, messages). LightBeam's executive or delta reports can be generated with just one click to gain valuable insight into your sensitive data. Automate DSRs by leveraging LightBeam’s unique PII/PHI charts, which are comprehensively created based on your data infrastructure. By giving your users control over the data they collect, you can build trust with them. Monitor how sensitive data are collected, shared and maintained within your organization.
  • 10
    Privacy1 Reviews



    $159 per month
    Privacy1 infrastructure brings transparency, safeguards GDPR | CCPA compliance, builds trust for your business. The solution shields your data centric organizations, lower data leak risks, ensures that no personal data is processed except with the right permission. The service has built in rich features you need to meet data compliance requirements and enforce your organizational data security to the highest level
  • 11
    PHEMI Health DataLab Reviews
    Unlike most data management systems, PHEMI Health DataLab is built with Privacy-by-Design principles, not as an add-on. This means privacy and data governance are built-in from the ground up, providing you with distinct advantages: Lets analysts work with data without breaching privacy guidelines Includes a comprehensive, extensible library of de-identification algorithms to hide, mask, truncate, group, and anonymize data. Creates dataset-specific or system-wide pseudonyms enabling linking and sharing of data without risking data leakage. Collects audit logs concerning not only what changes were made to the PHEMI system, but also data access patterns. Automatically generates human and machine-readable de- identification reports to meet your enterprise governance risk and compliance guidelines. Rather than a policy per data access point, PHEMI gives you the advantage of one central policy for all access patterns, whether Spark, ODBC, REST, export, and more
  • 12
    BigID Reviews
    Data visibility and control for security, compliance, privacy, and governance. BigID's platform includes a foundational data discovery platform combining data classification and cataloging for finding personal, sensitive and high value data - plus a modular array of add on apps for solving discrete problems in privacy, security and governance. Automate scans, discovery, classification, workflows, and more on the data you need - and find all PI, PII, sensitive, and critical data across unstructured and structured data, on-prem and in the cloud. BigID uses advanced machine learning and data intelligence to help enterprises better manage and protect their customer & sensitive data, meet data privacy and protection regulations, and leverage unmatched coverage for all data across all data stores.
  • 13
    Piiano Reviews
    Start with developers to create a culture and infrastructure that respects privacy and security. This will ensure that PII is prioritized and protected throughout your organization. The Piiano Vault can be deployed to create a secure, centralized PII zone that is only accessible to you in your cloud environment. This will prevent data breaches and ensure privacy best practices are being applied. For unparalleled access visibility, you can control all PII interactions using advanced policy controls, encryption, tokenization, and a privacy-centric scanner. To comply with GDPR, CCPA, and other privacy regulations, centralize data to implement privacy-by design, pseudonymization (RTBF), and data subject access requests.
  • 14
    Secuvy AI Reviews
    Secuvy, a next-generation cloud platform, automates data security, privacy compliance, and governance via AI-driven workflows. Unstructured data is treated with the best data intelligence. Secuvy, a next-generation cloud platform that automates data security, privacy compliance, and governance via AI-driven workflows is called Secuvy. Unstructured data is treated with the best data intelligence. Automated data discovery, customizable subjects access requests, user validations and data maps & workflows to comply with privacy regulations such as the ccpa or gdpr. Data intelligence is used to locate sensitive and private information in multiple data stores, both in motion and at rest. Our mission is to assist organizations in protecting their brand, automating processes, and improving customer trust in a world that is rapidly changing. We want to reduce human effort, costs and errors in handling sensitive data.
  • 15
    Cloud Compliance Reviews
    With the most comprehensive range of products, you can implement privacy compliance and data security in Salesforce. A thorough data inventory and risk assessment are essential for privacy programs to be successful. Most organizations overlook data or struggle with spreadsheets and manual processes. Our Personal Data Inventory product automates and streamlines DPIA and enterprise data inventories flows. Your organization will be able to easily have a clear risk assessment and a data inventory. Many organizations are experiencing an increase in privacy rights requests. It is difficult, inconsistent, and error-prone to respond to these requests manually, increasing the risk of non-compliance. Our Privacy Rights Automation product allows self-service and automates all privacy related activities. A standardised and error-free solution to reduce the risk of non-compliance
  • 16
    PK Protect Reviews
    Automate the DSAR response to meet requirements faster, and within budget. Find data that should be archived, or deleted legally due to age or inactivity. Create rules to delete or redact sensitive information as soon as they are found. Monitoring allows you to detect and confirm breaches, and then accurately estimate the impact of the breach. Enable pseudonymization and anonymization of private personal information. Monitor endpoints, enterprise solutions, and servers for privacy data. Organizations must keep up with the constantly changing privacy landscape and protect any personally identifiable information that they interact with. PK Privacy allows organizations to automate data discovery, reporting and other mechanisms to reduce the operational complexity of privacy legislation. Once PK Privacy has discovered data, it can automatically encrypt or mask personal information, redact it, delete it, or perform other remedial actions.
  • 17
    Data Rover Reviews
    Data Rover is an Advanced User Data and Security Management for any Data-Driven Organisation. A single solution for Infrastructure and Security managers that allows data users to explore, manage, process, and protect their data effectively and efficiently, by simultaneously addressing the two primary needs related to the use of data: Cyber Security and Data Management. Data Rover plays a key role in business asset protection and corporate data management policy definition. The software is designed for companies that need to ensure compliance with personal data protection regulations and provides detailed analysis of data access permissions. User Access Rights & Auditing Provides invaluable information about access privileges to files and folders. It allows you to analyse the effective permissions of the users, i.e. the real ones. It identifies not only who can access data, but also who did exactly what, when, and from where. Data Housekeeping Helps you identify and distinguish valuable assets from junk information that becomes unnecessary ballast and an unjustified cost to the company. Data Exchange Provides the company with an advanced data exchange and tracking system exclusively designed for the business.
  • 18
    Privacera Reviews
    Multi-cloud data security with a single pane of glass Industry's first SaaS access governance solution. Cloud is fragmented and data is scattered across different systems. Sensitive data is difficult to access and control due to limited visibility. Complex data onboarding hinders data scientist productivity. Data governance across services can be manual and fragmented. It can be time-consuming to securely move data to the cloud. Maximize visibility and assess the risk of sensitive data distributed across multiple cloud service providers. One system that enables you to manage multiple cloud services' data policies in a single place. Support RTBF, GDPR and other compliance requests across multiple cloud service providers. Securely move data to the cloud and enable Apache Ranger compliance policies. It is easier and quicker to transform sensitive data across multiple cloud databases and analytical platforms using one integrated system.
  • 19
    Statice Reviews



    Licence starting at 3,990€ / m
    Statice is a data anonymization tool that draws on the most recent data privacy research. It processes sensitive data to create anonymous synthetic datasets that retain all the statistical properties of the original data. Statice's solution was designed for enterprise environments that are flexible and secure. It incorporates features that guarantee privacy and utility of data while maintaining usability.
  • 20
    Bearer Reviews
    Implement Privacy by Design to automate GDPR compliance in your product development processes
  • 21
    Infosys Enterprise Data Privacy Suite Reviews
    Data protection is becoming a top board issue and a potential source of upper hand. It is not just a compliance requirement, but a board-level concern as data volume and value grow exponentially. Data protection is a constant challenge and potential reputation bomb without a well-designed and executed data administration program. Regulators and the commercial centre are putting increasing pressure on organizations to improve how they collect, use, store, and erase individual data (PI). Its importance will only grow as technology such as the Internet of Things and Big Data creates more data and insights. Infosys Enterprise Privacy Suite (iEDPS), addresses enterprise challenges by helping companies to protect their private data while adhering to global regulatory standards like HIPAA, PIDA, GLBA and ITAR.
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    ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus Reviews
    ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus lets you take control of sensitive data. Take a look at the most recent user activity, file activity, as well as access trends. The four Ws of every access are who accessed it, when and from where. The most important events, such as sudden permissions changes, file deletions and renaming events, are those that matter the most. Identify the most active users, most frequently accessed files, as well as the most modified files within your file system. You can set up instant alerts to notify you of sudden spikes in folder or file access or modification events. Receive real-time notifications when multiple attempts are made to access critical files. After business hours, monitor changes to sensitive files. Monitor only critical files, folders and shares. Receive real-time alerts when files are modified in an unauthorized manner. To detect unusual activity and misuse of privileges, configure threshold-based alerts that monitor user-generated events.
  • 23
    Dataguise Reviews
    Data privacy and security should not be a hindrance to your analytics-driven innovation efforts. Dataguise offers flexible encryption and masking options to protect sensitive data. This will ensure that your business is protected. Fast-track delivery of data sets can be achieved for analysis in real time, allowing for better insights and better decisions. Customers of Dataguise have many and changing needs. We know that our customers need more than just the solutions and services we offer. This is why we have built a strong network with carefully selected partners. This executive guide will show you how to maximize data value while protecting data privacy. Dataguise is more reliable than other data discovery tools, has a longer history, supports a wider range of data types, repositories, delivers lower false positive results, and scans data at a larger scale more reliably. Dataguise gives businesses the confidence to act in the best interest of their data.
  • 24
    Protegrity Reviews
    Our platform allows businesses to use data, including its application in advanced analysis, machine learning and AI, to do great things without worrying that customers, employees or intellectual property are at risk. The Protegrity Data Protection Platform does more than just protect data. It also classifies and discovers data, while protecting it. It is impossible to protect data you don't already know about. Our platform first categorizes data, allowing users the ability to classify the type of data that is most commonly in the public domain. Once those classifications are established, the platform uses machine learning algorithms to find that type of data. The platform uses classification and discovery to find the data that must be protected. The platform protects data behind many operational systems that are essential to business operations. It also provides privacy options such as tokenizing, encryption, and privacy methods.
  • 25
    Salesforce Shield Reviews

    Salesforce Shield


    $25 per month
    With platform encryption, you can natively encrypt sensitive data at rest across all Salesforce apps. AES256-bit encryption ensures data confidentiality. You can create your own encryption keys and manage the key lifecycle. Protect sensitive data from all Salesforce users, including admins. Conform to regulatory compliance requirements. Event monitoring allows you to see who, when, and where critical business data is being accessed. Log files can be used to monitor critical events in real time. Transaction security policies can prevent data loss. Detect insider threats and report anomalies. Audit user behavior and measure the performance of custom applications. You can create a forensic audit trail that includes up to 10 years' worth of data and set triggers for data deletion. Expand tracking capabilities for custom and standard objects. Extended data retention capabilities are available for audit, analysis, and machine learning. Automated archiving can help you meet compliance requirements.
  • 26 Reviews

    $38 per month is a tool that helps developers and startups improve their data protection, while increasing user trust and adoption. It's now easier than ever to connect third-party apps with your favorite platforms. This means that customer information, e mails, docs, as well as internal conversations, are stored and processed by tens to hundreds of companies with different data security standards and privacy standards. AI is used to analyze cloud security, privacy policies, social signals, and determine the data protection level for more than 10K business applications & integrations. Our score will help you understand which apps are protecting your data with care and which ones need to improve security and privacy. We expose the actual risks of cloud vulnerabilities and promiscuous privacy policy terms. This is not just a self-reported compliance. Our PRO solution provides ongoing monitoring, alerts and protection against unsafe integrations for R&D, marketing and sales managers.
  • 27
    CYTRIO Reviews



    $499 per month
    Automated discovery of PI data in cloud and on-premises data storages, and correlation with customer identity. Orchestrate data access requests (DSAR) to build customer trust. A secure privacy portal that can be customized allows customers to exercise their data privacy rights. You can quickly answer the most important who, what, where, why and how questions about your PI data. Automated workflows to support data, security and privacy teams. Auditor obligations met with detailed DSAR lifecycle histories. A privacy center that can be customized and branded. Secure communication and data downloading. No professional services are required to get you up and running in a matter of minutes. Ideal for resource-constrained companies Data discovery, classification, and ID correlation. Secure communication
  • 28
    Azure Information Protection Reviews
    Secure and control sensitive data you share with others. Azure Information Protection provides data protection that is easy to use, with embedded labels and permissions. It doesn't matter where the data is stored or who it is shared with. You can create policies to classify, label and protect data according to its sensitivity. Azure Information Protection allows for fully automatic classification. It can be driven by users or based upon recommendations. You can add classification and protection information to your data for persistent protection. This will ensure that it remains protected no matter where it is stored or with whom it is shared. Track data sharing activities and revoke access when necessary. Powerful logging and reporting can be used by your IT team to monitor, analyze, or reason over data. You can share data with your coworkers, customers, and partners in a secure way. Define who has access to data and what they can do.
  • 29
    Mage Platform Reviews
    Protect, Monitor, and Discover enterprise sensitive data across multiple platforms and environments. Automate your subject rights response and demonstrate regulatory compliance - all in one solution
  • 30
    Transcend Reviews
    Transcend is a data privacy infrastructure that allows companies to give their users control of their personal data. Personal data is scattered, difficult to find, and stored across multiple systems. Companies find it difficult to offer data rights, such as deleting your data. Transcend automatically fulfills data subject request within companies across all data systems and vendors. Transcend also offers their end-users a control panel (or "Privacy Centre") hosted at privacy.<company>.com allows users to manage their privacy preferences, export or delete their data. Transcend makes data subject requests for companies easy. This puts users everywhere in control of their personal data.</company>
  • 31
    Getvisibility Reviews
    Getvisibility's customizable artificial intelligence revolutionizes DSPM. Its cutting-edge algorithms, user-friendly interfaces and real-time anomaly detection capabilities empower businesses to gain unprecedented insights, optimize their performance and detect anomalies. Experience the power tailored solutions can bring to your DSPM capabilities. Getvisibility's data discovery and classification platform is powered by AI and machine-learning. Our AI models are trained using industry-specific knowledge, allowing you to classify your data quickly and accurately. Getvisibilities' OCR capabilities allow organizations to see inside images and pictures. Our platform, which is powered by cutting-edge AI models developed specifically for your organization's security needs, allows you to quickly identify your most sensitive information. Getvisibility's advanced algorithms enable the precise identification and protection of surfaces, including PII.
  • 32
    Varonis Data Security Platform Reviews
    The most powerful way to monitor and protect sensitive data at large scale. The all-in-one data security solution that doesn't slow down will help you reduce risk and detect abnormal behavior. You get a platform, a team, an approach, and a plan that gives you every advantage. Classification, access governance, and behavioral analytics all work together to secure data, prevent threats, and ease the burden of compliance. Our proven method to monitor, protect and manage your data is backed by thousands of successful rollouts. Hundreds of security professionals are able to create advanced threat models, update policies, and assist in incidents, allowing you to concentrate on other priorities.
  • 33
    DataGuard Reviews
    Our AI-powered platform will help you get certified quickly. Understand, identify and manage security and compliance risks. We help customers overcome these challenges by integrating a security posture with their overall objectives using a unique, iterative, and risk-based method. We help businesses achieve robust digital security management and compliance with 40% less effort, and a more efficient budget. Our AI-powered platform automates repetitive work, simplifies compliance to complex regulations and frameworks and helps mitigate risks before they disrupt business. Our in-house experts can provide additional support if needed, advising on all security and compliance challenges for organizations now and in the future.
  • 34
    Data Privacy Manager Reviews
    With the vision of creating a comprehensive data privacy platform that clients can use to give them a 360-degree view of their customers' personal information lifecycle, our team of skilled and talented developers began work on Data Privacy Manager. Data Privacy Manager is an established platform that is used in many vertical markets. It allows data processors and controllers to regain control of personal data they have been given. This product supports the shared-DPO model. Different firms can purchase the services of one DPO, usually from legal or consulting firms. This offering has the added benefit of allowing you to manage security controls for data deletion and retention.
  • 35
    Databunker Reviews
    Databunker is a vault and API open source that ensures GDPR compliance, HIPAA compliance, ISO 27001 compliance, and SOC2 Compliance. Protect sensitive user records from GraphQL and SQL attacks without expensive custom coding. Databunker is a powerful encrypted vault designed to protect sensitive data, such as Personally Identifiable Information(PII), Personal Health Information(PHI), or other critical information. Databunker helps companies meet the data protection standards of GDPR, HIPAA and ISO 27001, by protecting sensitive data against unauthorized access. Databunker offers robust access control mechanisms to help organizations define and enforce permissions when it comes to sensitive data. Databunker provides audit trails and logging tools to track and monitor sensitive data access, providing a comprehensive history of data access.
  • 36
    SAP Customer Consent Reviews
    SAP Enterprise Consent & Preference Management. Customer consent and preference management tools can help you build customer relationships that are transparent and controlled. With robust consent management tools from SAP, you can win customers' trust. Customers today expect transparency and control over personal information. Respect regional data protection laws like GDPR, CCPA and LGPD. SAP Enterprise Consent Management and Preference Management solutions allow you to manage customer consent, preferences settings, and data from one central platform. Clear consent requests can be made for terms of service, ePrivacy policies, cookies, consent marketing preferences, and other requirements. To allow access to the audit log or complete history, collect, store and track consent preferences.
  • 37
    Concentric Reviews
    Zero-trust access governance gives you control over your data. Protect business-critical content by locating, risk assessing, and protecting it. Protect private and regulated data. Meet regulatory mandates for financial information, privacy and right-to-be-forgotten. Concentric offers agentless connectivity to many data repositories, so you can control access to your data from wherever it is. We can process both structured and unstructured data on-premises or in the cloud. We integrate with popular data classification frameworks like Microsoft Information Protection so that you can get better coverage and more accurate classification results across your security stack. If you don't find what you are looking for on our list, please let us know. Our professional services team will quickly get your data connected.
  • 38
    Crownpeak Universal Consent Platform Reviews
    This is the first unified solution designed to help brands comply with the GDPR, CCPA and other privacy laws. Add pre-built banners directly to your website to inform users about all third-parties that have access to their behavioral data. Users can also control their privacy settings for each of these third-parties. You can choose from pre-made templates or create your own templates to meet your legal and brand requirements. For enhanced customization, our Consent APIs can also be used. Compare Crownpeak with other solutions. Our patented Universal Consent Platform is configurable to comply with a variety of privacy laws, including the GDPR, ePrivacy Directive and the California Consumer Privacy Act. To comply with local laws and regulations, you can localize your banners.
  • 39
    Mamori Server Reviews
    A comprehensive data security solution that includes ZTNA, 2FA and PAM. It also integrates SQL Firewall, DAM, DAM, PAM and SQL Firewall. This helps businesses prevent data theft and cyber attacks. It also helps them meet compliance and cyber insurance requirements.
  • 40
    Prosperoware Confidentiality Manager Reviews
    Confidentiality Manager allows firms to establish 'need to know' security and ethical walls without affecting their workflow. It is the best choice for firms that are concerned about meeting client security, regulatory and ethical obligations across all systems. It is being demanded by clients and industry regulators, but it may be difficult for firms to move from an open access model. Lack of the right software can place a heavy burden on IT, Risk and lawyers. Matter teams fear that they won't have the ability to access the information they need when they need it. Prosperoware is the solution. Let IT and Risk teams offload the responsibility, empower end-users with unique self-service features and mitigate risk. This will help to reduce support costs, increase adoption, and make it easier for them to be more productive.
  • 41
    Metomic Reviews
    Reduce the risk of data breaches and automate security practices so that you can focus on growing your business. You can accurately identify sensitive data across all your cloud apps and infrastructure so you know exactly where it is and who has it. Control sensitive data from thousands of locations. Block data from being uploaded to the wrong location and automatically delete it when it is no longer required. Compliance can be automated, without any additional risk. Metomic offers a range of data classifiers, or you can create your own using our data classifier builder. Our Webhooks and Query API allow you to create your data-driven workflows from any application. Metomic's secure architecture will help you eliminate security risks without adding new ones. Metomic's pre-built integrations allow you to see data flows right away. Find out where security risks are most prevalent and take control of what data is being processed.
  • 42
    Titus Illuminate Reviews
    Data is growing. It's estimated that 25 petabytes of data will be created each day in 2019, and almost all of it ends up being saved somewhere. This data is stored on file shares, network drives, cloud services, and other places - "just in case." Up to 70% of this data has no business value. Data that is redundant, obsolete or trivial (ROT), can pose legal risks and lead to compliance violations. Data can be a company's greatest asset but also its greatest risk. A data at rest strategy is required to separate the liabilities from the assets. It helps organizations identify what, where, who has access to it and how to protect them. Illuminate scans the locations where data is stored, including Box, Dropbox, OneDrive and Microsoft SharePoint Online.
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    SecuPi Reviews
    SecuPi is a data-centric platform that provides a comprehensive security solution. It offers fine-grained control of access (ABAC), Database Activity Monitor (DAM), and de-identification through FPE encryption and masking, both physical and dynamic (RTBF). SecuPi covers a wide range of applications including packaged and home-grown, direct access tools, cloud environments, big data and cloud environments, as well as packaged and homegrown applications. One data security platform to monitor, control, encrypt and classify data across cloud & on-prem without code changes. Platform that is agile and configurable to meet current and future audit and regulatory requirements. Implementation is fast and cost-effective with no source-code changes. SecuPi’s fine-grain controls for data access protect sensitive data, so that users only see the data they are allowed to view. Seamlessly integrates with Starburst/Trino to automate data access policies and protection operations.
  • 44
    Flow Security Reviews
    Flow is more than just a cloud security tool that scans data. It is the only platform to analyze data both at rest and in motion. The platform allows security teams to regain full control of their data by analyzing and tracking all data flows during runtime. This includes shadow data stores, applications, and cloud environments. Flow's deep data analysis of an organization's journey from source to destination allows security team to automatically catalog their sensitive data. PII, PCI, PHI; visualize data flows; detect data risks; and respond effectively in real-time by providing the complete context: who, when, where, and why.
  • 45
    Cloudian Reviews



    Pricing as low as 1/2 ¢ per gi
    1 Rating
    Cloudian®, S3-compatible object storage and file storage, solves your capacity and cost problems. Cloud-compatible and exabyte-scalable, Cloudian software defined storage and appliances make it easy to deliver storage to one site or across multiple sites. Get actionable insight. Cloudian HyperIQTM provides real-time infrastructure monitoring as well as user behavior analytics. To verify compliance and monitor service levels, track user data access. With configurable, real time alerts, you can spot infrastructure problems before they become serious. HyperIQ can be customized to fit your environment with over 100 data panels. Cloudian Object Lock is a hardened solution to data immutability. HyperStore®, which is secured at the system level by HyperStore Shell (HSH), and RootDisable, makes it impregnable.
  • 46
    TrustLogix Reviews
    The TrustLogix Cloud Data Security Platform eliminates silos between data owners and consumers, security owners and data owners. It also simplifies data access management and compliance. Cloud data access issues and risk can be discovered in 30 minutes without having to see the data. Deploy finely-grained attribute based access control policies (ABAC) or role-based control policies (RBAC) to centrally manage data security postures across all cloud and data platforms. TrustLogix continuously monitors new risks and noncompliance, such as suspicious activities, over-privileged account, ghost accounts, new dark data, or data sprawl. It alerts you and empowers you to take action quickly. Alerts can also be sent to SIEM systems and other GRC solutions.
  • 47
    eperi Gateway Reviews
    You alone have complete control over the encryption. All Systems - One solution. The patented template concept allows you to use the eperi® Gateway to protect your data for all of your (cloud-based) applications. The eperi®, Gateway allows your employees to continue working normally while it encrypts the data transparently, preserving the central functions (such as sorting and searching) of your applications. Cloud applications can be used while remaining compliant with financial industry regulations, such as privacy-preserving analytics. IoT is a collection of smart machines and products which collect data automatically and independently. You can protect your data and ensure compliance with the law by using encryption.
  • 48
    HushHush Data Masking Reviews
    Businesses today face severe punishment if they fail to meet the ever-increasing privacy standards of regulators and the general public. Vendors must keep up with the latest algorithms to protect sensitive data like PII or PHI. HushHush is at the forefront in privacy protection (Patents US9886593, US20150324607A1, US10339341) thanks to its PII data discovery tool workbench (also known data de-identification software, data masking software, and obfuscation program). It allows you to find sensitive data about your customers and classify it. You can also anonymize it and comply with GDPR and GLBA requirements. To create comprehensive and secure data anonymization solutions, you can use a variety of rule-based atomic addition anonymization components. HushHush components can be used to anonymize both direct identifiers (SSNs, credit cards names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc.). Both fixed and variable algorithms are available for indirect identifiers.
  • 49
    Informatica Data Privacy Management Reviews
    To automate protection, transparency, and response, discover your data and assess the risk. Prioritize data privacy investments, processes, policies, and programs. To enable risk visibility, analyze value across fields by applying metadata from targeted databases sources. Automate identity mapping and build a subject registry to report on data subjects. Provide detailed summaries using APIs to third party solutions, applying controls for objects, and more. Find out where sensitive data is located and how it has been moved to other data storage and cloud apps. Assess the impact of the risk and make informed decisions. A rich array of dashboard drill downs can be used to gain a broad view into data risks and control gaps. Integrated data subject reports, automated remediation of risk, visualizations, and alerts.
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    Strongpoint Reviews
    Industry-leading data security, access management, change management, and SOX compliance tools for companies running NetSuite and Salesforce. Strongpoint is the fastest, saftest, and most compliant way to manage user access review and clean up, change requests and approvals, system configuration, and audit-ready reporting. Strongpoint automatically documents all of the customizations in your account — then, leveraging your data, Strongpoint allows you to make faster and safer decisions while maintaining system agility and productivity. Whether your public, pre-IPO, or not yet subject to SOX, Strongpoint is the perfect solution for companies looking to optimize their business processes and secure their data.