Secure, managed and enhanced Android Mobile OS. PilarOS, AKA TRDROIDTM is ARDIC’s industrial Android distro. It has an extended security and manageability framework, over 1800 new API’s, and was built on AndroidTM Open Source. AFEX provides OS management. Additional layers provide data security, device, application, connection, and data security. From the kernel to the cloud for secure, manageable and scaleable industrial-grade services. It will not allow any monkey business on your device. Secures connection, applications and USB ports. You can define the configuration you need and then push it to all of your devices. Install/uninstall/disable/force applications on your devices remotely. You can access all your devices from one admin panel. You can monitor, manage and control them all or just one at a time. PilarOS is more than just for smart phones. It can also be used for all purpose smart devices, IoT devices, and industrial IoT devices.