You can trust us to provide quality, turnaround, support, and video accessibility solutions. Live & post production captioning, 20+ languages, true 99% accuracy. High quality, 40+ languages, many service options. Easy publishing, high quality, and competitively priced. When captions are available, 80% of people will watch the entire video. 60% of people with hearing loss work in the workplace or in education. The captions are used by 80% of people who are not Deaf or hard-of-hearing. We are the only company that can guarantee 99% accuracy. Flexible turnaround options are available (as quick as 2 hours). White glove support and a dedicated account manger are included. 20+ integrations and custom APIs are available to automate your captioning workflow. Our account system makes it easy for you to order, download, organize and manage files. We meet deadlines at 99.9% and can process large files.